Hubby had to go to his office yesterday. (Did I ever mention that he works from home now, too?) So it was just me and the bitches here at the MD abode. Belle has always been our problem barker, but yesterday K was the culprit.
Belle is a reflex barker, i.e., if she hears something, anything, she barks and then goes to investigate. Of course, that usually gets one or the other dogs barking, too. If there’s actually something worth barking at, K and Meg will elevate their vocalizations from the level of “hey I might hear and/or see something” to the “OMG, Mama, there’s something coming to get us! NOW!” hysterics.
First, it was the trash truck. Then some really threatening-looking young mother pushing a baby stroller. And we can’t forget the kids waiting for the school bus.
Then it was the squirrels. And the birds. She alternated between barking her face off in the back yard to barking her face off at the front door. Of course, as soon as she barked, Belle barked. It was crazy. Just about the time I’d get them to stop something else would set them off.
Then the UPS lady came with a big package for Hubby. Those UPS people are VERY threatening. They always bark like crazy at them.
Once I got them to shut up, I looked at the package. It was a Father’s Day present from Shannon. Food from Omaha Steaks. It said on the box to open and put in freezer immediately. So, knowing Hubby wouldn’t be home until evening, I removed all the perishables, put them in the freezer, and then set the box smack in the middle of the foyer so he would see it when he got home.
It was quiet for a few minutes and then K started barking again. Hysterically. Once I got to the foyer she’d moved away from the door. I looked outside to see nothing. No people. No cars. No bird or bunny. No walkers. Not a thing.
So I went back to work.
A few minutes later she started again. When I got to the foyer she’d again moved away from the door (she knew I was going to scold her for barking). I looked outside to see NOTHING.
Back to work for me. Back to barking for K. It was maddening. And it went on like that for like TWO HOURS. Finally I got her to shut up when Belle took off out the back door barking. K followed. I went outside to quiet them down. That’s when K went back into the house, to what sounded like the front door, and started barking AGAIN.
I was about ready to blow at that point. So I stormed back into the house and FINALLY discovered what she’d been barking at.
Any guesses?
That Omaha Steaks box.

When I removed the food, I didn’t bother with the dry ice at the bottom of the box. It must have been popping and crackling. Or something. All I know is, it had the dog freaked out. I opened the box and she wouldn’t come near it.

At one point, I was so frustrated I put Belle and K both in the crate. They didn’t bark, but K whined quietly the entire time. In hindsight I know it was because the crate was still within sight of the big, scary box.

I admit, I sorta wanted to kill the dog. But at the same time, it was pretty funny.
Besides… just look at that face.

I’m hoping to get some fun and relaxation in between projects this weekend. Are you up to anything good?