I got cards from all of the kids this year. Thanks, kids!
Hubby and I are blessed with three children of our own, a son-in-law, a soon-to-be daughter-in-law, and three grand children. They’re all spread out, and I won’t see any of them today, but I love them all just the same.
Oh yeah, and check out this awesome bag…
That’s bag definitely has my name all over it.
I love goofy stuff like that. Thanks Kelsey and Eric!
We went to Baltimore to visit our Moms yesterday. We’re lucky that both are still with us.
Now to figure out how I’m going to spend my day.
There’s flowers that need planting. Yes, that’s work. But it’s work I enjoy.
But then, it’s supposed to be sunny and 79 degrees today. I can already hear that blue machine in the garage saying, “Hello? Hello? You need to take me out today!”
Speaking of the motorcycle, I forgot to show y’all that I finally applied my favorite bumper sticker.
The bike doesn’t have a bumper, so it’s on the back of my trunk.
I think I need to get at least some saddle time in today.
I hope you all have a fabulous day.
Shannon, I’ll have our margarita this evening!