In case you are wondering about the picture, it is completely unrelated to this post. But I like it. It makes me smile. It comes from the Flickr Faces In Places Group, which I cannot give you a link to because you need to be a group member to view the images. But I can link you to the Faces In Places blog, which you really should check out when you have a minute. It is nothing but pictures of things that look like faces. Like the cupcake/muffin shown above.
Back to the snow…
I like snow for many reasons. One of which is that it can make for some pretty interesting pictures. I have added shutter speed (Tv), aperture value (Av) and ISO data to the title of each image for those of you who are interested.
I have no idea why the sky looks red, but I think it looks cool.
The Av and ISO settings let enough light in to make this shot possible without flash. The Tv setting is what makes the falling snowflakes look like scratches on the picture. I did nothing as far as post processing aside from adjusting the contrast and brightness slightly so you could see the snowflake trails.
I did nothing as far as post processing aside from adjusting the contrast and brightness slightly so you could see the snowflake trails.
I hope to get outside later today to get some new doggie snow pics. But work has been a bit crazy this week, so we’ll have to wait and see…