Here’s what was planned… drive to the WV place on Tuesday night. It’s about an hour from Wisp. We would leave there early on Wednesday to ski, spend the night at the WV place on Wednesday, then drive home this morning (Thursday).
Eric got off work late on Tuesday, so we didn’t leave my house until 11:00 PM. It’s a three-hour drive to the WV place. So we should have arrived at about 2:00 AM. I say should have because we hit a bit of trouble. Nothing horrible, but we were definitely delayed.
Before I tell you what happened, you need a bit of background. The WV place is not far east of Wisp. It’s more in the foothills than the mountains, so it’s not subject to the extreme mountain weather that hits the mountains not far west of the cabin. We haven’t been to the WV place since Thanksgiving. They were hit with the same blizzard as us in December. But that was like three weeks ago, so we figured the snow would be gone.
We were wrong.
Hubby wisely convinced me to take our big, bad four-wheel-drive truck instead of my car (wimpy little sedan).
Unfortunately, not even the big, bad 4wd truck was a match for the foot of compacted icy snow on Turkey Hollow Road.
We got stuck. A mere 100 yards down Turkey Hollow Road. We were only about 1/4 mile from the house at that point, but…
It was 2:00 AM. It was dark. It was COLD.
It didn’t take long for us to realize the truck was not moving an inch in either direction, so we grabbed our essentials and walked the rest of the way. Lucky for us there were flashlights in the truck!
I did mention that it was cold, right? About 20 degrees. The heat at the cabin stays set at 50 degrees when we are not there. It felt absolutely balmy at first. Because it would have taken hours for the radiant heat system to kick in, we just slept in the back bedrooms, which each have their own baseboard heating systems. It was 40 degrees back there. By the time we went to bed at about 3:30, it had warmed up to 45 degrees. Eric had an electric blanket and I had lots of layers, so we were okay.
I seriously had no idea there would be that much snow left at the WV place. Here are some pictures I shot on Wednesday morning…

Here I am. I felt like a mummy. I was warm, but being so bundled up made it hard to take pictures, which is why there aren’t many action shots. Plus, it snowed all day. They’d gotten 5 to 8 inches of snow the previous day and were predicting another 4 to 8 inches yesterday. The snow was awesome. The wind was bitter.
Skiing in powder was quite a treat, once we got used to it. It’s a bit different than skiing on packed snow.

We will definitely try to do it again. Wisp has a special on Wednesdays where you can ski for $21 all day, 9 am to 9 pm. The same lift ticket costs $39 per person any other non-holiday weekday and $59 per person on weekends and holidays. It was quite a deal. And there were NO lift lines. None.
Hopefully it will be a little bit warmer next time.