Hit Me With Your Best Shot — 28-MAR-2014

Yet another week has FLOWN by. I can’t believe it’s Friday already.

It was a sorta uneventful week. Unless you consider our Spring snowstorm here in the land of “this Winter will NEVER end.”

I actually was busy at work this week. And in the evenings, I’ve been crafting again. The craft of the week being sewing. I’ll share pics of the finished product here one day.

Wintry weather and that craft-project-with-deadline kept me inside most of the week. But yesterday, knowing I had a Hit Me With Your Best Shot post to do today, I decided to take my camera along on an errand.

In my opinion, none of the images I captured this week are real stand-outs. But since I’m supposed to be sharing my one best shot, and I usually share several, I feel like I have to at least choose a favorite. Here it is… a little faerie in the window of Earth, Glaze, and Fire waiting to be painted.


Earth, Glaze, and Fire is a paint-your-own pottery and fired arts studio that recently moved into a suite of shops at 92 Main Street in Old Town Warrenton. It’s the same suite of shops that houses my friend Janet’s shop, The Empty Nest.

This little line-up of trolls was in the same window. They made me smile.

The Lineup

Going to Janet’s shop was actually the little errand I referred to.

Janet doesn’t just sell Annie Sloan Chalk Paint and supplies. She has a vast array of other cool stuff, from vintage pieces of furniture to antique china, flowers, boot toppers, amazing flannel shirts, door handles and drawer pulls, note cards… it’s a LONG list. I absolutely love what she’s done with her store. It’s fun poking around.

While she was busy, I moseyed around her shop, capturing what I think are fun images.

I didn’t t know what sort of image I’d end up with here, but I liked this cluster of birds. Although it’s dark, I like the end result.

Waiting in the Shadows

Of course the birds aren’t real, but doesn’t it look like a bunch of birds huddled in the dark, waiting for the light of Spring to shine upon them so they can emerge?

Here’s a scene that ALWAYS makes me smile…

Happy Chicks

I just love those fat, goofy, and happy-looking chicks. I don’t decorate my house for Easter, but if I did, I’d take these two home with me. How can you not smile at them?

Speaking of Easter…

Easter is in the Air

Someone gifted Janet with this amazing, light-blue, feather tree. It’s the coolest thing. It wouldn’t “go” with my decor at home, but I really like that little tree. Especially when it’s got these cute yellow peeps clipped onto it.

I was torn between my two favorite feather tree captures. To spare myself the agony of having to choose between the two, I just shared both of them.

Cute Chick

I was experimenting with different camera settings, shooting this chandelier. Again, it’s dark, but I like the little spots of Bokeh light in the back.

Spots of Light

It’s sort of funny that my theme for the week seems to have ended up being things that make me smile. I guess that’s my way of justifying NOT getting out to capture more substantial and/or impressive subject matter.

Although this last shot doesn’t make me smile. Okay, maybe it makes me smile a little.

Climatic Confusion

Don’t you think the birds on my flag look confused as it snows again?

We may finally be done with the frozen, white stuff. There are some distant rumblings of potential snow later next week, but I’ll be away. Woo hoo! If it does snow, I’ll miss it.

I have a work trip coming up at the end of next week. I have to be at my corporate headquarters on Thursday afternoon and Friday.I’m looking forward to some face time with co-workers. There are several I haven’t met in person ever and others I saw last in January 2012. I’m excited. 🙂

I may not be doing a HMWYBS post next week. But, since I wisely decided to extend my trip through Monday to take advantage of the warmer climate and do some exploring, I should have some good images to share the week after that.

Don’t forget to visit Nancy’s Hit Me With Your Best Shot post to see what others have shared this week. This photo challenge hasn’t caught on with many folks yet, but I’m hopeful more people will participate one day. In the meantime, at least it gets me out there shooting.