You Capture – Happy

I’ve got a love/hate attitude about this recent snowfall.

I mean, I love snow. Usually. Right now I am hating it. I just wish it would all go away and get warm already. You’ll understand why in a couple of days…

Still, I really am thrilled to see some measurable snow on the ground. Because it makes my dogs VERY happy. And that just happens to be the theme for today’s You Capture photo meme.

The snow saved me. Otherwise this would have been another no show week for me.

Meg making snow angels.
K and Belle doing their usual wrastlin' thing.
Meg enjoying her favorite snow activity... catching snowballs!
Seeing all three of them enjoying the chase makes me giggle.

These were all taken pretty early this morning, before I had to go to work. That’s why the light is weird. But at least I had pics to share.

I was happy in general, really, because the snow gave me an excuse to go out into the yard and take some pictures. A few more follow.

It was a heavy, wet snow that stuck to everything.
Reflectofrog was buried, but his ball was hanging out. Kind of.
This Tufted Titmouse was happy I filled the feeder.
This little Chicadee made me happy by sitting still for my picture.

Be sure to check out Beth’s blog to see what sort of shots made other folks happy.