You Capture – Doorways

This week’s You Capture theme was Doorways.

I don’t get out much. And the places I do go don’t have very photogenic doors. But I tried.

This image may have little if any photographic merit, but it means something to me.

Doggie Door

This is the most-used door at the WV place. The dogs LOVE it there. Can you tell?

I was going to drive into town, walk around, and shoot some doors, but it was just too cold. So that’s my one lame attempt at a doorway shot.

I did get a couple of other pictures I can share.


I like this picture because it captured the footprints left by me and my three crazy dogs. I enjoy our walks. I do. But they LOVE them. Really.

Self Portrait (sort of)

And look, a self portrait!

I know none of these shots will win any awards or anything. But I didn’t want to be completely lame and not post anything.

I’m sure you see much more interesting stuff by following some of the links on Beth’s You Capture page.

Oh yeah, I took this picture while trying to get a doorway shot, too.

I get points for trying, right?