You Capture – Inspire

This week’s You Capture prompt was “What inspires you?”

I almost didn’t participate because I was thinking along the lines of WHO inspires me. And I haven’t left the house pretty much all week. Not that no one around here ever inspires me, it’s just that photo ops of people around here have been a bit limited.

As I grabbed my camera before heading out to the back yard to hunt for dog poop this morning, a light bulb went off. Why would I carry my camera on poo patrol? I guess you could say my dogs inspire me to keep the camera at hand during even the most unpleasant of tasks. Because you never know when you’ll catch them doing something a bit odd. Like trying to see what just landed atop the grill (a leaf).

That’s when I realized it would be okay to share some of the pictures I shot this week even if I didn’t snap them specifically with You Capture in mind.

Nosy Girls

My dogs make me laugh. So I like to try and capture these odd moments.

Meg, chillin' under the burning bush.

Seeing Meg with her dark nutmeg colors laying behind the bright-red burning bush caught my eye here.


That same bush made a nice backdrop for this shot of K.

Center of Attention

I liked the colors so much, I decided a close-up was in order.


Then there’s this shot I got when Belle wasn’t paying attention. She doesn’t like having her picture taken and usually squints when I ask her to pose. Seriously.

Too bad she’s got a mouthful of dog toy…

I also try to keep a camera nearby while I’m working. Because one never knows what odd positions Meg will contort herself into as she dozes in her favorite bed.


To see what inspires fellow You Capture participants, be sure to VISIT BETH’s BLOG and follow some of the various links other photographers have shared this week.