We’ve been camped in Terlingua, Texas, a few miles from one of the entrances to Big Bend National Park (BBNP), since February 1. Knowing we were going to be here until February 25, we have not been exhausting ourselves, cramming myriad activities into each and every day. Some days we leave the campground and explore. Other days we just “do retirement things”, as Hubby Mike says. Retirement things include reading, napping, watching movies/other shows, stitching, blogging, making future campground reservations, etc. Essentially, whatever the heck we want to do or not do as the case may be.
This is my third installment about BBNP here on the blog, but that doesn’t mean we’ve only been into the park three times. On this particular day visiting BBNP, we drove into the Castolon area on the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive, which ends at the Santa Elena Canyon. I didn’t think anything could top the views we’d seen on previous visits in and around the Chisos Basin. I was wrong.
The drive through the Castolon area to Santa Elena Canyon was spectacular.
The next five images are all of the same two mountains. I chose to share them here to demonstrate just how quickly and dramatically the views of the same two peaks can change as one proceeds along the road.
As nice as these images are, I still say they don’t do the place justice. We are so blessed to be able to spend time here seeing this amazing scenery first-hand. Hopefully, those of you who may not be able to travel to such distant places are enjoying these pics I have been sharing. For those of you who are able to travel and enjoy visiting national parks, BBNP and the nearby Big Bend Ranch State Park should definitely be added to your bucket list.