Yesterday, it was so chilly here that I actually had to wear a light jacket for my afternoon walk. It was still warm enough for flip-flops, though, so I guess I can’t complain too much. Not that I am really complaining. It was still visually beautiful AND I actually like having a bit of chill in the air. Unless I’m planning on swimming, that is.
I took my camera along and snapped some photos to share with y’all. It’s more fun to show you that it’s starting to look like Fall here, too.
Filtered sun illuminated this palmetto.
A hint of Fall color.
Heron at the pond.
Alligator sunning itself on the bank.
Pond reflection.
Lily pads changing color.
Pond reflection from the other bank.
Marsh grass in varying shades.
Red leaf captured in a Sand Hill Rosemary bush.
Looking out on the Gulf of Mexico from the Audubon Sanctuary’s Dune Observation Point.
Bird life observation; there’s a Cormorant fishing in the water and a Willet (I think) hunting onshore.
Looking east across Mobile Bay toward Fort Morgan and Gulf Shores.
The sun sets just before 5:00 these days, which means I can enjoy a leisurely, unhurried sunset and still have plenty of time to stroll home in time to cook dinner.
Sunset view #1.
Sunset view #2.
Sunset view #3.
I hope you enjoyed the images from my afternoon stroll. I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to enjoy camping and exploring on this lovely island — Dauphin Island — at the mouth of Mobile Bay in Alabama.