It’s the Big Three One!

Today is Shannon’s birthday. Of course, for her it is technically over since she’s in India, which is 10.5 hours ahead of us. But I’m going to celebrate anyway. Because she deserves it.

I won’t go and make her cry (scroll down to see his comment if you do follow the link), like Hubby did. I could get all mushy and stuff, but I won’t. I mean, it is her birthday. She’s supposed to be smiling and happy, right?

So, I just decided to post a bunch of pictures that will make her smile. Of course, if they don’t make Shannon smile, they’ll at least make everyone else smile. And who can’t use a good smile now and then?

Anyway… back to Shannon’s birthday. The image quality of some of these pics isn’t fabulous, but some of them are as much as THIRTY ONE YEARS OLD!

The next one is only 30 years old.
Can you guess at what big event it was taken?

I find the next one particularly cute.

Who would’ve thunk she’d grow up to be a world traveler?
Especially since she looks all Green Acresish in the next shot…

She is with Hubby in the next shot.

I really, really like the next one, too.

And just look how darn cute she is here…

I had to post one of Shannon with Amy.
Because I know Amy has been looking at these shots,
thinking, “What about me?”

Let’s Jump ahead to 1996 and Shannon’s Senior Prom.

And I am pretty sure the next one
was on high school graduation day.

Okay, I have lots more pics to share, but if I don’t hurry up and post this, she’ll never see it.


I hope you enjoyed the trip down memory lane.

You know I love you, so I’ll just stop here.