Did I mention that Hubby caught a horrible cold on the airplane? We know it was from the airplane because there was a guy sitting behind him coughing the entire way to San Diego. Anyway, the poor man (Hubby) coughed, hard, and sneezed for an entire week. I felt so sorry for him. I thought I had escaped the bug. Then, Sunday night, it hit me.

I feel like crapola. So you aren’t getting much out of me today besides a few pictures. (You can see the rest on Flickr. Link at bottom of post.)
We started our day at Santos Coffee House in North Park. This is Shannon’s hang-out spot, so it was nice to see. And we got to meet some more friends of hers.
I forgot to mention that we’d met her friend, Katrina, on Friday night. A super-sweet girl who was kind enough to trade cars with Shannon while we were visiting so she could haul us around (her Smart car only seats two). I should have taken a picture of her. But didn’t.
Speaking of pictures, I don’t know why I didn’t take pictures at Santos. It is a super-cute little place. People are very friendly. Oh, and the food is good, too. I didn’t drink any coffee while there, but that’s what Shannon used at home all week, and it was quite tasty.
Katrina is a pretty young woman with a great personality, but a horrible Arnold Schwarzenegger impersonation. She’d come over to Shannon’s one evening so we’d have four people to play Cranium.

Our only destination for our last full day was Ocean Beach, aka OB. In case you weren’t counting, that’s the fifth beach we visited. All within 15 miles of Shannon’s house.
It was a colorful place. Shannon says it’s known locally as the Hippie beach, and for good reason. There were lots of hippie-and surfer-types mingling about.
I have to agree with Shan, it was my least-favorite beach. It was just crowded and felt dirty. They had really cool tide pools, though. A very long fishing pier, too, which we did NOT walk out on.

It was a good visit. Hubby and I are both anxious to go back.
All of the pics from the day are on Flickr if you are interested.
Thanks again, Shan, for being a great host and tour guide!