Within the last year or so, she decided to dig into photography a bit more. And she started sharing some of her efforts on her blog in a way that I found quite refreshing. She always calls the posts “Things I Saw Today.” Here’s a link to her latest. And the one before that. Aw, heck, let’s do the one before that, too.
I’ve really enjoyed those posts. The photographs are just snippets from her world. I think she is a lot like me in that she enjoys finding beauty in simple things and capturing that beauty to share with others. She doesn’t spend a whole lot of time on the mechanics of photography (shutter speed, aperture settings, etc.), she just captures a shot. And she doesn’t feel compelled to explain each image either. Which is also refreshing.
She just keeps it simple and shares some photographs.
“Beauty can be seen in all things, seeing and composing the beauty is what separates the snapshot from the photograph.” – Matt Hardy
You often don’t or can’t see beauty in the world until someone shows it to you. Take a look around you just now – even without moving from the computer. Can you see something in a new way, a different way of presenting something common? Just take a look again… (Quote provided by Digital Photography School)
I like looking at images captured by other people. Because I think the thing I enjoy most about photography is seeing the world through someone else’s eyes.
As Ally said, “Many times, despite their ordinariness, the photographed images have an intrinsic beauty which I recognize, enjoy and try to share with you.”
She decided to make Things I Saw Today a regular feature on her blog. I am really looking forward to seeing what her other friends capture, because she has some really cool followers.
So here’s my first installment of Things I Saw Today.