Victoria’s Beacon Hill Park

Hi there! In case you haven’t visited in a while, this post is basically the second half of the pics I captured during a recent visit (April 20, 2016) to Victoria, BC, Canada. You’ll have to be sure to see the first installment if you haven’t already. There were so many pretty park pics to share, I decided they deserved a post of their own.

Anyhoo… I really didn’t have much of a plan beyond meeting up with Dar in the late afternoon. I knew Victoria was pretty, based on my previous, very quick visit and posts I’d vaguely remembered seeing on Dar’s blog and Brandy’s blog. I was excited to just have a few hours to myself to just roam, sightsee, and do whatever I felt like doing, or NOT doing as the case may be. I grabbed a Victoria map on the ferry and, upon seeing that Beacon Hill Park looked to be relatively close to the harbor, I decided to go there. (Here’s a link if you want to learn more about the 200-acre park.)

Remember, you can click on any image to see a larger version.

Park Entrance
Park Entrance

Since Richard asked, I had to check and see how far I actually walked that day. It appears to have been roughly six miles (9.5 km) give or take. I criss-crossed the park a lot, so it’s hard to tell for sure. I was walking slowly and stopping a lot for pics and also just to enjoy some peaceful spots in the shade.

It was a beautiful, sunny, warm Spring day. There were lots and lots of flowers in bloom. And a bunch of other interesting stuff to see. I could have gone to a museum and/or shopping, but it was such a pretty day and it was just so darn gorgeous that I sort of just ambled around the city all day.

Here are some of the many images I captured.

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Woodland Pond

I didn’t enter the park through the main entrance pictured in that first shot. I’d just walked in the general direction of the park and entered on the first convenient path that I saw. And I didn’t have a map of the park, so I don’t remember what the various areas were called. Sorry. I was just ambling about.

The biggest non-wild rhododendron I’ve ever seen.


Same bush, different side. The bench helps give a sense of scale.


Fiddlehead Ferns!

I may or may not have squealed aloud when I rounded a corner on a wooded path and saw this…

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The Moss Lady

I LOVE The Moss Lady.

How awesome is she?


There were pretty colors everywhere.

I am a visual, nature-loving person, so I was completely and utterly in my element.

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Such a peaceful place.

The view would be all green and serene, maybe with a pond or two. And ducks. Loads of ducks, geese and such. Then I’d round a corner and, BOOM, more color.

An explosion of color.

Not that I am complaining. Trust me, I was absolutely delighted.

Pretty azalea with lilac/blue flowers.

Some of my pics are a bit washed out because the sun was so bright, which is a shame. But I think you get the idea just how lovely a place it was.

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Unique azalea.




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Woodland Stream


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Pretty Tulip


Winding path lined with many varieties of tulips, daffodils, and similar flowers.


Hybrid daffodils.


More daffodils and a lone, pink tulip.


This one was in the shade, so you can see it’s form better.


Do the colors on this one make you swoon? I gasped aloud when I saw the thing in person.


One of the many spots I chose to just sit for a spell.


More colorful loveliness.

I was so overwhelmed by all the loveliness that I actually forgot ScooterBob was with me. DOH! I can be such a dunce sometimes. All oohing and aahing about the stunning natural beauty around me instead of snapping opportunistic photos of my little globe-trotting wooden friend.

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ScooterBob at the wildflower meadow.

I never did get an image of that meadow good enough to do it justice. It was a veritable sea of purple before me. There was just too much sun at that time of day.

Look closely and you’ll see a snow-capped mountain framed by those trees.


Wildflower close-up.


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Tiny pond with bust of Queen Victoria (I think).


Peacock (they are noisy suckers)


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Yet another pretty pond. And ScooterBob.


Flowy willow tree.


This is my favorite duck capture of the day.

Finally, my favorite nature scene of the day. A bunch of turtles on a floating log.

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I like turtles.

I actually stood there watching for a while. And laughing. While I have seen my share of turtles on logs, I’d never actually seen turtles on a floating log. It’s different, trust me. You’ll have to watch at least the first 45 seconds of the video I included below to see why.


That was my day at Beacon Hill Park. Yes, I’d go again in a heartbeat. Even if I had just one more day to spend in Victoria. Of course, I’d ask Dar to meet me there with a picnic meal, and perhaps an alcoholic beverage or two. 🙂