Spring Blooms

Every time I walk through town and see this store window, I smile.

I can’t help it.

Peeps in Bloom

DeJaVu is a brand-name and vintage clothing consignment store for women and children at 43 Main Street in Oldtown Warrenton.

Strolling through town, looking at the various window displays, reminds me of when I was a kid and my mother, grandmother, and I would ride the bus into downtown Baltimore on the day after Thanksgiving. We would go to the shopping area on Howard Street, where the big department stores used to be, and see their holiday window displays. We shopped, too. I remember eating lunch at the restaurant inside one of the stores, Hutzler’s maybe, and thinking it was THE coolest thing.

Spring always makes me think of my grandmother. She loved flowers.

I’ve been enjoying watching all of the various colors emerge around here. The Redbuds are blooming. So are the Dogwoods.

Lots of the white-flowering trees are shedding their petals. In spots, it looks like snow.

Spring Snow


Culpeper Street


Flowering Tree


Culpeper Street, looking toward Main

As much as I love Spring, I hate the thought of Summer’s arrival. I hate the heat and humidity. I really don’t like to sweat.

I guess you have to take the bad with the good though, right?

How are things looking in your neck of the woods?