Treasure Found

My girlfriend, Tracey, loves to shop for old stuff. She’s a primitive queen. For those of you who aren’t in the know, “primitive” is a decor style. Old country stuff, crafts, folk art, Americana. I posted some pics of her house back in December, which is where I went for my Christmas girlfriend getaway. I just LOVE her house.

Tracey refers to her finds as her “treasures.” Which I kind of like. Because they’re the sort of things that when you see them, you know you love them and have to have them. They’re not usually big or expensive things. Just items that strike a chord for whatever reason. Perhaps they bring back memories, pique your curiosity, or maybe you just love the color.

I like country, too. But my house is more of a mixture of old and new. I never bought much old furniture because our house in Maryland was so suburban. Nice, but country/antiquey stuff didn’t fit. Now that we have this new/old house, it fits a little better.

I bought a very cool dining room table a while ago. It’s new, but was built and finished in the rustic/primitive style. And I have a bunch of chairs that need painting. What was missing was a place to store my dishes. One of the things on my shopping list for my recent Pennsylvania trip was a pie safe or some other sort of cabinet. I didn’t want to spend too much money. Unfortunately, the ones I saw and loved were more bucks than I cared to part with. So, I came home empty handed, STILL with no place to put my old dishes.

I’d hoped to find one in Fredericksburg on Saturday, but the store was a big disappointment. Again, no luck. Then, on Sunday, I decided to go to this little shop here in town that I only recently realized was here. It’s an auction house/antique store called Shumate’s Auctions/Past Reflections Antiques.

The shop doesn’t open until noon. I ran some errands first. I was still a bit early, so I took a little detour figuring if I went home, I might not feel like going back out. And look what I found. This barn isn’t more than about five miles from my house (as the crow flies).

Green Barn

Anyway, so I finally get to the shop, walk in, and see my pie safe. It was fate, I tell you.

It’s one of those rustic antiques that some folks might call junk. The shopkeeper, who just happens to be named Kathy, referred to it as a “Grandmother’s back porch” sort of piece.She’s very nice and has the cutest little dog. I just love shop dogs.

My New Old Pie Safe

It’s a real, old pie safe. It has been painted but all of the tins are original, and have NOT been shellacked. There’s even two tins on each side, which I have never seen. The punched tins actually had a purpose (I think). When ladies filled these cabinets full of hot pies, the punched tins allowed air to circulate so the heat could escape and the pies could cool evenly and safely.

Side Tins

I’m not sure how I feel about the color. It’s a tad too minty, so it may end up being painted. Also, There are some hinges on the front that need replacing. They’re just ugly. I’ll either get some reproduction style hinges or have Hubby put some hinges on the inside for me.If I opt for the latter, the cabinet will have to be painted.

Blue Willow Dishes

It’s the perfect home for my blue willow dishes. My grandmother gave this set to my parents as a wedding or shower gift. Some of those glass bowls are old, too.

Ugly Chandelier

It fits perfectly in the spot I had intended to place whatever piece I ended up with. Now we just need to get rid of that ugly-ass chandelier, which is totally out of place/not “me.” (I found one in Lancaster, which is on order. Only a few more weeks. Woo hoo!)

Notice my new centerpiece? I bought those flowers in PA.

Close-up of Our New Bouquet

I’m pretty good at this flower-arranging thing. At least I think I am. 🙂

Maybe that can be my new career when this proposal-writing stuff burns me out.

As soon as the new chandelier arrives and gets installed, I’ll post some pics. I need to paint that room, too. I just need to decide on a color. And then there are all those waiting-to-be-painted chairs. Sigh…

Small Town America

Yesterday was President’s Day. It was also the day the funeral was held for former Warrenton Mayor Bill Lineweaver, who died recently at the ripe old age of 89.

The town placed flags along Main Street either for the holiday or as an homage to the former mayor. Whatever the reason, I thought the town looked nice bedecked in flags.

I thought you might enjoy a peek, too. I braved the cold yesterday morning to capture some images for you.

I hope you enjoyed your mini tour.

My mother-in-law is visiting with us for a few days. We’re all enjoying her company. I was going to say “both,” as in Hubby and I, but the dogs are happy to have her here, too.  Even canines enjoy visits from Grandma. 🙂

There’s not a whole lot else happening, so I’ll leave it at that.

Jack is Back

Jack Frost, that is.

Doesn’t this poor car just look cold?


We had a pretty heavy frost here yesterday. It was 26 degrees when I left the house to walk the dogs.

I’ve been slacking a bit lately in the two-walks-a-day department. I was determined to get out there with them this morning, but it was one of those days when I checked the work e-mail around 7:30 and barely stopped until my project went out the door at 6:00. I really intend to get back out there tomorrow.

Frosty Bridge

See the frost on the bridge? It was so thick, it actually crunched a bit when we walked across.

Let's Face It

Even in the cold, I enjoy getting out there and walking. Although everything is brown and dreary, there is still interesting stuff to see if you just take time to look.

Like that building. Don’t you think it looks like a face?

Frosty Grass

You can see how white the grass is in that shot.

The Greenway

And the sky was quite a nice shade of blue.

Intersecting Lines

By the time we got back to the bridge about half an hour later, the sun had melted most of the frost away. But look at all the interesting lines in that picture.

Hubby said they’re calling for some sort of snow event tomorrow. No significant accumulation, just enough to make the morning commute treacherous and long.

Lucky for me, I’ll probably be walking on the Greenway during rush hour. It may be cold, but it certainly won’t be congested.

The Purse

Purses aren’t something I typically get excited about. But I really like this old patchwork bag I have. Problem is, it’s sort of worn out. I tried to buy a new one last year in a real store, but they all had huge badges on the side featuring the designer’s name. I think that is just dumb. So I didn’t buy any. I’ve been using my plain-Jane brown leather bag instead. But even it is looking frayed.

So I turned to Etsy and lookie what I found…

My New BizzieLizzie Bag

Isn’t it cool? Don’t you just love those colors? It is very well-made, too. And it came with a matching key fob. The lady who made it does far more than just patchwork stuff. If you’d like to see her line of products, visit BizzieLizzie on Etsy.

The girls were less than thrilled, as usual, that I stopped to photograph my purse instead of getting them a treat and/or letting them outside.

Impatient Bitches

Actually, that would be letting them outside and then, after they came back in, giving them a treat.


Blue-sky, 70-Degree, February Day

Our very abnormal winter continues. It was 70 degrees yesterday. And the day before that, too. in February.

How Much is That Doggie in the Window?

Strolling down Main Street in Warrenton yesterday, I just HAD to get a picture of that. 🙂

I hope you’re having a good week.

Let It Snow, Already!

Mother Nature has been teasing us. All winter. If you can call it winter. We’ve hardly had any really cold days, much less measurable frozen precipitation. Of course, those two things are pretty closely related.

Friday night into Saturday, we had a winter weather event. First it snowed. Not much, unfortunately. Then it rained. And it was cold enough that the rain became freezing rain. Which left a densely compacted layer of ice.

Yes, ice.


Snow, I love. Ice? It’s no fun. Just ask my dogs who missed out on both of their walks yesterday and one walk already today. Things are just too slippery.

They’d be fine, of course. It’s me I’m worried about.

Here are some shots of our world, which I took yesterday morning.

The Front Porch
Icy Bush
Our Sidewalk
Another Icy Bush
Clean Street, Icy Sidewalks
Cold Man
Cold, Surprised Lion

This shot is my favorite. I love the expression on the lion’s face. It looks to me like he is saying, “Help! I’m frozen and I can’t get up!”

Warrenton Courthouse
Now THAT Looks Cold
Icy Sidewalk
Accumulated Ice

Look at the roof of that car to get a better idea of the thickness of the ice.

Frozen Greens
South Sixth Street
Our Driveway

It’s a good thing the streets got plowed. Otherwise, they would have looked like our driveway and I wouldn’t have gone anywhere yesterday.

It’s still cold today, so not much has melted. Tomorrow, it’s supposed to warm up. They say February will be our month for snow. Will we have another Birthday Blizzard maybe? That would be awesome. NOTE: If you follow the Birthday Blizzard link, you should watch the video. It’s one of my all-time favorites.

Then, if you are really bored, you can look at my large collection of pictures from that snow event.

Happiness is…

… the year’s first snowstorm!

That frog on the right is me doing a happy dance. Cool, eh?

I didn’t make it. I just Googled “happy dance” and this goofy frog came up. Sorry if it’s distracting or nerve-wracking for you. I like to add a little bit of silliness sometimes.

Speaking of happy… Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s 2012? I hope your holidays were as nice as mine.

As for that snowstorm… for some reason, I was up before 6:00 this morning. The sun doesn’t even rise until about 7:30. So here I was sitting in the semi-dark, ingesting some coffee, trying to wake up when Hubby said, “Did you know there’s an 80% chance of snow today?”

I didn’t know. We don’t watch much TV so we don’t see weather forecasts on a regular basis unless we seek them out.

A little while later, as the sun started to rise, something caught my eye outside (the window is just beyond my monitor). I peeked out the window and was delighted to see that the world was covered in white.


A very thin layer, but snow nonetheless. And as the sun was rising, it made for a pretty cool-looking sky. So I hurried up and threw on some clothes, grabbed the camera, and headed outside — did I mention that it was in the 20s? — to experience my first snow in Warrenton.

It was cold, but awesome. I just love this town!

I did say there wasn’t much snow, right?

Instead of posting a bunch of big images, I added a gallery of small images (aka thumbnails) below. You can use the thumbnails provided to view images one by one. If you’d like to see the large version of an image, click on the thumbnail. Use your BACK button to return to the post.

UPDATE: At Hubby’s request, I added a link to a Flickr SLIDESHOW.


Only the Shadow Knows

One of my goals for 2012 is to get back on the photography bandwagon. I didn’t do nearly enough shooting last year.

Did you enjoy the snowy morning pics as much as I enjoyed shooting them?