The good thing about all the rain is that everything is very green. It’s pretty colorful, too.
I don’t have a lot to say today, but I do want to share some of the artsy pics I shot this past weekend. The first is one I shared the other day.
Why the repeat? Because I want you to click on the image so the large version is visible. While looking at the large version, tell me if you can see the spider peeking out from the top of the flower, on the left, with the big drop hanging off of it. I thought that was a pretty cool accident.
I have a thing for wet pine needles.
This flower is only about 3 inches tall, if that.
The Redbud blooms are starting to fade. If I had a horse, I would name it Redbud. I think that would be a cool name for a horse, but a stupid name for a dog. Not that I ever expect to own a horse…
I shot this one toward evening, which why the light is super soft.
I thought these little red leaves were cool.
The red leaves, for whatever reason, are slower to emerge than the green ones.
The same leaves from further back. Just cause I like to experiment.
Look at the big, fat raindrop.
This one is my favorite. It is very artsy, don’t you think?
It is so artsy, I felt it needed a frame. And a name.
I hope you enjoyed today’s little taste of nature.