If you were to drive from Maine to Florida on I-95, the first truly Southern state you would hit is Virginia. Of course, this is written by a former Marylander. A lot of people think Maryland is a Southern state. And I guess technically it is, since it is south of the Mason-Dixon Line and all.
What do I mean by “truly Southern”? Why, where they start to talk funny, of course.
I’m kidding. I love Southern accents. They make people sound so genteel. And so friendly. Truth be told, you have to drive pretty far into Virginia before you start experiencing any sort of Southernness. Northern Virginia, the area right around Washington, DC, is one of the most populated and culturally diverse areas in the country. To me anyway.
Now that we live in Virginia — since October 2011 — we are spending more and more time riding in Virginia. The first motorcycle trip that we took specifically with a Virginia destination in mind was way back in 2001 when Hubby and I were both riding Yamaha V-Star 650 Classics.

I do have some Virginia ride info to share. And I’ll have lots more to share in the near future as we explore our new home more and more. So be sure to stop back sometime.
Of course, I have also been collecting information others have shared about this great state.
- Most-recent… 22 Virginia Small Towns You’re Going to LOVE (courtesy of Vorgonoa.org)
- Info and pics on Skyline Drive
- Order your FREE Virginia Travel Guide
- Secret Blue Ridge Mountain North: This guy’s post lead me to include this piece of road in one of our loop rides. And you know what? He’s right. It’s a short stretch of road, but definitely worth exploring if you are in the area. DC/Northern VA riders could use this as a quick afternoon escape.
- Fort Valley/Thornton Gap: We’ve only done the Fort Valley portion of this road, and that was in our truck (gasp!). It’s a great road though. And the fact that someone else not only documented it but also added a video made it a must to include here.
- Leesburg-Antietam: Most of these would be new roads to us. But we’ve been on segments of some. And we’ve criss-crossed the area many times. In fact, Shepherdstown, WV is one of the towns we go through when using one of our alternate routes to-from the WV place. This link, and the roads it describes, are most definitely worth checking out.