Wanna Guess Who Turned 30 Today?

Not me, that’s for sure. I’m WAY older than 30. I feel way older anyway.

Does this 30-year-old baby picture help?


I’m not surprised. It doesn’t look like the birthday girl at all. In my opinion. But that’s just me.

Let’s try a slightly more-recent photo…

Does the next one help? It’s one of my favorites. I didn’t take it, of course. ‘Cause I was like 13 myself when it was taken.

I’m sure you’re getting warmer. Which is good, because it would take me all day to post year by year shots. So I’m going to cheat and jump to 2006. These pics are some of my favorites. (I did take these.)

Yep, it’s Shannon! She turned 30 today. Thirty! Can you believe it? The big three-oh.

She’s gorgeous, isn’t she? I can’t take any of the credit for that one. She didn’t get any of my genes, poor thing. Nevertheless, she still turned out pretty awesome. Not only is she beautiful, she’s smart. Funny, too. And she’s got a really big heart. She can cook, too.

She’s always been a good big sister.

As an aside… this picture from our 2004 trip to Yellowstone still cracks me up. Shannon and Amy are both scolding Eric for just having murdered a bug.

And we can’t forget that she’s a fabulous aunt.

She’s a wonderful daughter, too. And a great friend. She’s also my most-devoted Blog-fan!

I’m very proud to have her in my life.


I love you!

Some Technology is Just Bad

I don’t need to explain the tackiness here. Just watch the videos. Make sure your sound is turned up to get the full effect.

I love You Tube…

Who thinks this crap up? Sigh…

Tacky/Funny Ads

Christmas tackiness is not limited to decorations and strange TV commercials. There are unusual retail ads, too.

Though, I must admit, I don’t find this particular ad (tiny glimpse of ad shown at left) tacky. Or offensive.

I find it funny. But that’s just me.

Hooray to all the retailers — brick-and-mortar and Web retailers alike — that have a sense of humor.

I mean, retailers like Hallmark are way too sappy. It sort of pisses me off when I see ads that make me wanna cry. I mean, who needs that sort of downer? I know it’s gonna be sad, but I don’t know how sad. So once I start watching, I can’t stop.

What is funny, however, is this Hallmark-related video some warped folks put together.

I don’t know WHO would do something like this to those cute little Hallmark animated figures. I mean, what kind of people do stuff like that WITH STUFFED ANIMALS??? Sick people, that’s what kind. Not that I know anyone like that…

Anyway… back to the funny retail ad. The one I mentioned at the top of this post before distracting you with animal obscenity.

Are you wondering yet why I find this funny?

You have to see the whole ad. I posted a larger view for your convenience below.

It’s not just the illustration that kills me, though I find it classic. It’s the ad copy, too. So be sure to read the text in the image. If it is too small for you, click on the image and you’ll be taken to a larger version.

And if you need so of that “innovation” for someone you know, visit the retailer’s Web site. I didn’t have a lot of spare time to dig, so if they have more ads like this one, do share!

Striking Out

I should have known. Any other Christmas season, I see tacky stuff everywhere. This year, since I vowed to document the weirdness, there’s just not much weirdness to document.

Well, Christmas weirdness anyway. Maybe I’m too early?

My Mom did send a link to this video. It is weird. Tacky even. Just not shockingly so. You know, not quite over the top. So I’ll have to keep looking.

In the meantime, here’s a lovely little Christmas commercial for you. Or two.

Um. Bad. I know. I’ll try to do better.

Brittany Games

I know I’m supposed to be posting Christmas-related stuff. But I’ve worked far too many hours over the last couple of days to dig anything up. Besides, I remembered this cool video I’ve been working on.

Actually, I posted this video previously. I have edited it substantially since then, however. AND I added music. So it’s way cooler. You really should take a few minutes to watch.

First, the high resolution version for folks with high-speed connections.

There’s a low-resolution version, too, for those with slower connections or a limited amount of free time.

Let me know what you think. And be sure to share it with your friends, too!

What Sort of Folks Live Here?

Hubby submitted this lovely image.

I’m not sure what message the folks responsible for this are trying to convey, but it doesn’t look real festive to me. In fact, Hubby and I think it looks a bit KKKish. What do you think?