We’re Finally Back to “Normal”

Well, here we’ve been back in Maryland for almost two full days and I haven’t put any more trip info on my blog.

I have a very good reason for that.

Actually, I have THREE very good reasons…

The Three Grandkids

The grandkids spent Saturday night and Sunday with us. Today was Gaige’s birthday party (he’ll be seven on Monday). Originally, just Brianna and Joey were going to visit. But when we got home and I called Amy, she basically said, “Thank GOD you’re home. Come save me!” So she brought all three kids down for the evening. Which was cool. Because when the kids are here, we ALWAYS have something to laugh about.

Like this…

The three comedians.

I’m not sure what’s funnier in this picture, the look on Hubby’s face or the boys’ dual looks of mischievous delight.

Hubby needs a bigger lap!

Between the kids and the dogs, neither of us felt even the slightest bit ignored all weekend.

Pop's Little Helper

After Gaige left for his party, Joey “helped” Pop with some repairs to the irrigation system.

Then he played with Belle for a while. I promise, it isn’t nearly as bad as it looks.

"Mama, help!" Belle screamed.

Yes, it looks like he’s choking her to death. But he wasn’t. They were playing very nicely. Belle loves kids. But isn’t that picture funny?

Once Joey was down for his nap, Brianna and I made some apple pies.

Brianna's first Apple Crumb Pie.

While I was at the store yesterday, I decided to buy the ingredients I needed to make an apple pie. Once I realized Brianna would be able to help, I went back to the store for more apples so she’d have a pie to take along home. She really likes helping me in the kitchen. With my guidance, she made her very own Apple Crumb Pie.

I’m guessing her Mom and brothers were very happy this evening.

Really, look at this pie…

Close-up of Brianna's pie.

Not bad for a nine-year-old, eh? The only thing I did was slice the apples, give directions, and put the pies into the oven. She even unrolled the refrigerated pie crust all by herself and used it to line the pie dish.

It was a very nice weekend.

It’s good to be home.

And remember what I said about the kids keeping us laughing?

All three of them are hams. I can only get them to agree to sit for a picture for me if I promise to let them make silly faces at some point. While the first picture on this post isn’t the greatest picture ever, it’s the best of the bunch. The whole series I shot of them over the span of about 60 seconds was sort of funny. Hopefully you’ll get a chuckle out of this series of pictures, too. Look at the kids’ faces, but also take note of Meg’s practiced look of complete and utter boredom.

Goofy kids #1
Goofy kids #2
Goofy kids #3
Goofy kids #4
Goofy kids #5
Goofy kids #6

Yes, that shot is horribly blurry, but it shows Gaige trying to tech Joey how to make that funny face so I HAD to include it.

Goofy kids #7

I’m not sure exactly what Joey was doing in that last shot. But that image will forever remain in my book of favorites. No, it isn’t the best picture in the world, but it shows their personalities. It reminds me a lot of another one of my favorite grandkid pics from last year.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll be able to share some more about our fabulous trip. Though I still have lots of pictures to cull through and edit…