I love it a bunch. For many reasons. The other night while walking the dogs down Main Street, a guy in about his mid-40s walked past us headed in the opposite direction. He actually tipped his hat at me and said, “Good evening.” Really.
People are just so much nicer here. So much more relaxed. It’s a whole different vibe.

I so enjoy walking the dogs around town every evening. People often stop us to chat. They get a kick out of seeing the three dogs with their blinking lights, which they wear to make sure people see us. You know, so we don’t get run over as we stroll around in the dark.
I absolutely love Main Street with its myriad restaurants and shops. Not just Main Street, but some of the side streets, too. Fifth Street in particular is an up and coming place.
When we moved here in October, 2011, Great Harvest Bread Company, which I have mentioned here A LOT, was already here. So was Kelly Ann’s Quilting.
During the past year, the Red Thread Yarn Shop opened. So did a barber shop right next to the Red Thread. But the most recent, and to me the most exciting, addition is Sherrie’s Stuff.
Sherrie’s Stuff has actually been in business since around April (I think) of 2011. It was definitely here before we moved in. But Sherrie just opened a new, bigger, and better location at 19 N. Fifth Street.
I’m not sure how best to describe the place. It’s a country crafts store, but it’s not your typical store. Sherrie does carry a lot of items one would find in similar stores selling items that are often characterized as primitives. But she also has a whole line of stuff that she paints herself.

I had to twist her arm a bit to agree to a picture, but I am glad she finally agreed. Sherrie is shown on the left in the above shot with her sister, Robyn (wearing red), and Sarah, who I suspected was Sherrie’s niece, but later learned that she’s “just” a worker. A hugely helpful worker, of course.
I first met Sherrie in October 2011, shortly after we moved here. It was during October’s First Friday. May to December of each year, on the First Friday night of each month, Main Street is closed to traffic while shops remain open late with open houses and specials. There’s usually music, artists, entertainment for the children and dinner specials at our award winning restaurants. Main Street will be bustling with shoppers, diners and fun. That’s another thing I love about living here. And we can walk to all of the events like that.
Anyway, back to Sherrie. That night was the first chance I’d had to visit her shop, which was at the bottom of the hill on S. Second Street. I was quite impressed with her shop and with Sherrie, who is a very welcoming, warm, and friendly lady. That’s when she told me that the Eva Walker Memorial Park that’s here in town is named for her mother, who died at an early age. It only came up because she was looking at a book about the town, Warrenton, Virginia: a Unique History of 200 Years, published by the Partnership for Warrenton.
I was very excited to learn that not only was Sherrie’s Stuff moving closer to us, but that it would be even bigger and better. I couldn’t wait for the place to open. And I am pretty sure I was the first customer at the new location.
I wanted to make sure I was there bright and early on Saturday to snag some pictures. And some snowmen, which I love.
The new shop is delightful as you will see in the images that follow…
Don’t let the unassuming facade fool you. The store is packed full of delightful treasures.
The Santa Bell sitting by the tree in the following image is one of the items hand-painted by Sherrie. I’m telling you, the woman has talent.
Remember, if you click on the image, you’ll get a better view.
One of the coolest things about the new shop is that it has space for Sherrie to work. The image below is a shelf full of snowmen in the making. Sherrie paints them herself. I think she said they are all waiting for scarves and cheeks.
In addition to frogs and toads, I also have a thing for snowmen.
I first learned that Sherrie was moving on Facebook. I was alarmed initially. But when I learned she was moving to Fifth Street, which is closer to me, I was excited.
How excited? That very night, when walking the dogs, I had to nose around to see where the shop would be. Sherrie was actually inside with her very handsome son, Evan. I hope I remembered his name correctly. I know the handsome part is absolutely correct.
Since Warrenton is a small town, I assumed the door would be unlocked. It was. So I poked my head in to say hi. Despite the fact that they were in the middle of construction, they invited us in to say hello. We chatted for a bit and she even got to meet the girls.
So, that’s Sherrie’s Stuff. Don’t you just love it?
Even if that type of decor is not your cup of tea, you have to admire Sherrie’s artistic and entrepreneurial spirit.
If you would like to support Sherrie and other small business owners like her, be sure to SHOP SMALL. Saturday, November 24 is designated as Shop Small Saturday. If you are an American Express cardholder, and you hurry, you can get a $25 statement credit when you spend $25 or more at a qualifying small business.
How cool is that. But you have to register. And the number of registrations are limited. So you really do need to hurry.
If you visit Sherrie’s after reading this, be sure to tell her ToadMama (who she only knows as Kathy) sent you!