Many years ago, when we were first married and had three kids at home, money was tight. Hubby and I agreed that it seemed wasteful to spend money we didn’t have on a day designated by others as a day to express your love. We’ve stuck to that routine, even though we have more disposable income, because we express our love daily, in words AND in actions.
Plus, I’ve never been one to do something just because someone says I should. 🙂
I do realize the prompt is “image” of someone that you love, as in ONE image, but I want to share more.
That’s one of my favorite captures of Mike. I’m not sure exactly why, and he probably won’t like that I chose that one. He doesn’t look happy, but he doesn’t look unhappy either. He just looks deep in thought, as if he’s pondering the world around him. (It was 2008. We were on a boat in Kenai Fjords National Park, looking at and listening to a big glacier. That’s a lot to ponder.)
That’s another favorite. It was taken on August 26, 2014. He’d just arrived with his brand-spanking-new Victory. The dealership is about two hours away. That’s the image of happiness, isn’t it?

The image immediately above was taken on Amy’s wedding day. He’d just seen her in her dress for the first time. Everyone knew he would cry.
That’s something else I love about Mike. He’s a sentimental guy, and he’s not afraid to show it.
This post has turned into a very time-consuming search through the network photo archive. And I’m still catching-up on a number of chores and such.
This video, from CBS Sunday Morning, perfectly sums up how I feel about Valentine’s Day.
I hope you and those you love have a fabulous day!
This Year’s Brave, Bold Bloggers…
Be sure to visit their blogs to see how each interpreted this challenge.
Loved your post. Lucky woman, I’d say.
Thanks, David. I think I’m lucky, too.
This was a lovely post, and I agree with all of your sentiments. Great photos of Mike, so sweet hugging your daughter. <3
Thanks, Lynne. I like the hug picture, too. That was a memorable day.