In Absentia

It’s been an interesting year. One during which I’ve largely been absent. You know, here but not HERE.

Great new-to-me home decor. If I wanted a gold man mannequin.

A photo posted by Kathy Kirkpatrick (@vatoadmama) on

I’ve given up trying to understand why. Truth is, I just don’t know.

One thing I do know is that I am thankful for each and every one of my followers. Folks like you. Blog friends who haven’t given up on me. Even though I’ve been noticeably absent from your blogs, too. If you follow me on Facebook and/or Instagram, you know I’m still alive. Still getting out and about in the world, more on four wheels than two.

I’m going to make a real concerted effort to be more present for all of you. Both writing more posts here and reading what you all have to say.  You folks “get” parts of me that other friends and loved ones don’t understand.

So, thanks for sticking with me. You may never know just how grateful I am for each and every one of you.

13 Replies to “In Absentia”

  1. I tend to initially follow blogs/vlogs due to their moto content but once you get to know the author a bit then the subject matter becomes less relevant. Knowing how folks are doing and how they are doing becomes more important.

  2. Maybe I should pay more attention to Instagram.

    Fear not Kathy, blog friends are like elephants, we’re just hanging around, and we never forget a fellow blogger.

  3. And sometimes you just need to take care of yourself and not worry about “entertaining” people/readers/family/etc. We love you. 🙂

    1. Where’s your sense of asdventure? A gold man mannequin would look awesome in your Ural rig when its not being used. Or, imagine the fun sunset shots you could get! 😂

  4. I agree with the rest of the folks. Do what you need to do for you. We are always here lurking and will read when you post stuff. I don’t post near as often as I used to either.

    1. Thanks, B. I really hope to start doing better soon. I drove down to Charlottesville, VA yesterday afternoon and will be here all week for work. In the office all day and group dinners in the evenings. Good, but exhausting. The good news is that I’m staying at a fancy resort. 😇

  5. Late, as always, but still following! I agree with the other comments. Once we get to know each other, checking in via FB or Instagram is good, and posts, when they come, are good too. One day I will blog again, lol.

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