A Step in the Right Directon

It’s been a really rough couple of months around here, for many reasons. K’s declining health being the biggest, of course.


She is the third dog we have lost. I’ve loved them all, but they were all different. Losing K has been the hardest. Probably because we had a very special connection. Anyway… let’s not go back down THAT sad road.

I really just popped in to say we are all hanging in there. Mike, Belle, and I are all adjusting to life without K. It’s weird, but we are coping.

Fortunately, we have a lot of happy memories to look back on. It’s MUCH better to remember the happy, healthy K as we look ahead to the future.

We do have some fun stuff coming up. Later this week, I’ll be in Charlottesville, Virginia, where my employer is based, to help welcome a new employee. Things at work should be calming down, which is good. (They have been VERY patient with me.)

In March, we will be catching up with a couple of different friends, neither of which we’ve seen for a long time.

In April, I’ll be spending a weekend in Washington, DC with two friends, both are former co-workers. I rarely go to DC, and am looking forward to being able to see some new stuff as I play tour guide. I’ll have to do some studying first!

We’re each supposed to pick one thing we REALLY want to do while in DC. I chose to visit the National Cathedral.

Washington National Cathedral

I figure, I’ve seen tons of cathedrals in Europe, it’s about time I see one in the US.

Then in May, I’m going to Indiana to stay with the grand kids and pup so their parents can go on a trip. Parents need breaks, too. The youngest is almost 11, so I really just need to be there, feed them, and chauffeur them around to various athletic venues in the evenings. Hopefully we can do something fun on the weekends I’m there, when we are not at a sporting event.

Hubby has a long ride planned for the end of May. I haven’t planned any rides yet, but I think I should.

Any of you have fun trips planned for the year yet?

6 Replies to “A Step in the Right Directon”

  1. I don’t know about the fun part but we are zipping in/out of PA to visit Bridget’s Dad in a couple of weeks. But planning several RV trips, the first in June and a longer one in the Fall. I will try and squeeze in a couple of in-state Ural trips in sometime this summer. But I just learned that Horizon’s Unlimited is meeting in the Kootenay Lake region in B.C. in August. Very tempting…

  2. The RV trips will be fun, I’m sure. In-state for you could be awesome adventures, too. I don’t know anything about Horizon’s Unlimited or the Kootenay Lake region, but both sound intriguing.

    I might ride my bike north this year. That’s as far as I’ve gotten with my ride pondering.

  3. It must seem odd to not have K under foot and only see one dog when you look around.

    It has been 10 years and we still think it odd Baxter isn’t around.

    It will get easier. At least you have some fun things to look forward to.

    1. Yes, B, one of the hardest things has been adjusting to life as a one dog family. We haven’t been without multiple dogs since early 2009, when Meg was our only dog. And the girls were always very routine-oriented, changing the routines is required. There have been a lot of tears, but we are coping. It gets easier every day. I can actually talk about her a bit without tears. She really was a special girl.

  4. No fun trips officially planned yet…but I’m thinking about a long weekend for Chris’s birthday next month. And I *really* want to go to Iceland to hopefully catch the northern lights for my birthday in December.

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