I wish I could remember where I first read about Virginia Bluebells, a Spring wildflower that grows in moist woodlands. Maybe it was while reading the literature about the Shenandoah River State Park. Or perhaps I read about them while researching Texas Bluebonnets in preparation for this trip to Texas in 2014.
Whatever the source of my fascination with the flower this year, I finally got to see them in bloom. It took three thrips to Shenandoah River State Park, but was worth it to see the otherwise brown woods carpeted in a lovely blanket of green interspersed with flowers in various shades of blue, pink, and purple.
I will let the images speak for themselves. Click on any of the images for a larger version.
The logs pictured in the last image are where I decided to sit and eat lunch. I sat at the end of the top log, on the right-hand side, atop the bank. It was a lovely, peaceful spot. The woods on both sides of the little stream were carpeted with Bluebells.
I hope you enjoyed seeing the Bluebells. Here’s hoping each and every one of you are safe, healthy, happy, and finding creative ways to spend time with your loved ones during this very unique time in our history.
They are really beautiful!