The final prompt of the month says I need to share the February image from my wall calendar. I actually have two wall calendars. Both are in my office. One is more functional than decorative. It even has a utitilitarian look.
See what I mean? There’s no mistaking that calendar forĀ an object d’art.
But it works.
The other calendar is more decorative. It hangs in a spot that’s been occupied by a calendar since December 2012 or so.
One of my girlfriends used to give me a calendar for Christmas every year. I’m not sure why she stopped. The calendars have always been more my taste than Hubby’s so I liked hanging them in my office.
When I was growing up, the calendar for the house always hung in the kitchen. I can’t remember if I had a calendar in the kitchen at our old house or not. At this house, there’s not really a good spot in the kitchen for a calendar.

Frogs would be more appropriate in my office, but I like the cows painted by Lowell Herrero. And it’s MY office.
Thanks again to all of my blog buddies who played along. Whether you succeeded or not, I’m still glad you participated.