I was wrong. We got snowed on again.

Lucky for us, we only got a few inches.

It was very cold, though. And downright miserable. I am really ready for Spring now.

The dogs didn’t mind the snow too much.

Belle, who is BADLY in need of a haircut, and K enjoyed some outdoor “wrastling” for a change. They usually wrestle in the basement.
I made a little slideshow of them playing.
How badly does Belle need a trim? Our youngest, Eric, and his fiancee, Kelsey, came down for a visit last night. When Eric saw Belle, he thought she was a new foster dog I hadn’t told him about. As soon as it warms up, she’ll get bathed and trimmed.

The daffodils are blooming. It’s really time for Spring.
Saturday, it was like 60 and partly sunny. Really. Here’s proof.

The grand kids spent the weekend with us. On Saturday afternoon, I took them for a walk around town so Hubby could get a power nap.
They were hamming it up for the camera. And I wasn’t too serious about shooting, which is why this super-cute pic (I think) is blurry.
This next shot is my favorite from our stroll.

Although this next one makes me laugh. There’s a story behind it, which you have to read to appreciate the humor in the shot.
As we were walking through town, Gaige and Joey were walking ahead of Brianna and me. Since I was letting them be goofy in pictures, every now and then Gaige would stop and say, “Here’s a good place for a picture!”
As we neared my friend Janet’s store — The Empty Nest — I told them not to get too far ahead because there was a store window we had to stop at.
When Gaige got to the window, he looked in, and yelled back to me, “Brianna can stand in front of this one!”
It’s very pretty and VERY pink.
I made them pose there for me. The boys were not happy. Here’s that pic.

They DO make me laugh.
More kid pics to come in the next post!