Years ago, early 2004 to be exact, when we got our first dog, I bought a big round dog bed and a smaller oval cat bed at Costco. Why a cat bed? Because back then we still had two cats.

And it just seemed wrong to buy a big-ass bed for the one new dog and nothing for the two, long-residing cats.
Meg always loved that bed. CeCe, too. In fact, all of our dogs have loved what I thought was a cat bed.
Even Duke, our largest foster dog.

And Alice, our smallest foster dog.

Of course, Alice was so tiny, there was plenty of room for her.
When I finally decided to get another DBOC, I learned that it’s not a cat bed after all. It’s a special type of dog bed, known as a cuddler. They actually come in a variety of sizes. With an even wider array of price tags.
What’s so special about the DBOC? I don’t know. But all of the dogs really like it. In fact, it’s often a little contest to see who can get there first, which is why it became known as the dog bed of choice, aka DBOC.
Belle, who likes to get her way/be first at everything, is pretty consistent about beating the other dogs to the bed.
But she doesn’t always win.

Every now and then, K will beat Belle and Meg to the bed.

Belle is never happy when that happens.
Thankfully, the other two beds finally arrived on Tuesday afternoon.

I took that picture yesterday morning. As you can see, Belle is in one bed and Meg is in one bed. But where’s K?
Don’t go feeling sorry for her or anything. She was getting her morning dose of Mama Luv.

K is a snuggler. At least twice a day, she needs lap time. I refer to that as her getting some Mama love.
I’m Mama, in case you were wondering.
She gets this look and all I need to do is say, “You need some Mama love?” That’s her cue to jump right into my lap.
It’s hard to type like that, though. So she can’t stay there while I am working.

Can you tell how much Meg likes the new beds?
They all like them. In fact, at this very minute while I type this, all three are snuggled in their little DBOCs, sleeping like quiet little angels.

That won’t last long. They’ll be up running around like crazy little beasts in no time!
Those little beds take up much less floor space. So I’m liking the three new DBOCs, too.