Snowpocalypsemageddon, Part 1

All is well here at the ToadMama abode. I was actually away at a work meeting Tuesday night through Friday morning. With the blizzard being forecast for our region, I made sure I left the hotel good and early on Friday.

When I got home, I saw that Hubby had prepared for the storm.

Hubby’s Snow Stick

It’s always hard to measure snow depth during a storm. By that I mean actually having to go out into the storm to measure.

I took the girls for a walk around noon, which was when the snow started.

Our driveway, shortly after the snow began.

I wanted to make sure and take the girls for a walk before the snow got too deep. They weren’t at all pleased to see the boots come out.

“We can’t walk in these stupid booties!”

If they don’t wear boots, they get rock salt and/or ice balls stuck between their pads. It makes them limp.

ToadMama the Bitches
ToadMama and the Bitches

There was about 8 inches of snow on the ground when we went for our walk.

Snowin' and Blowin'
Snowin’ and Blowin’

They seemed to enjoy their walk despite the boots.

Happy Pups

It was a crazy storm. We never lost power, fortunately. I took a bunch of pics yesterday and today, which I’ll share later.

We spent the day digging out, and I think I need a nap.

Rest break during Friday’s walk.

I think we ended up with between 25-30 inches of snow. It was very windy, though, so I’m not sure of the actual total.

I hope you all had a warm, safe, and happy weekend.

More on the storm and digging out, later.