In the Hole…

So, the tag sale didn’t go as well as expected.

In the Hole

I did sell some stuff. A good bit of stuff, actually. Just not as much as I had hoped to sell.

My chairs, radio, and church are still homeless. Living with Hubby and I for the time being, of course. As opposed to living out on the street.

A lot of the inventory I acquired to make the tag sale worthwhile did sell. But I am still in the hole.

I have already taken a good bit of it to a local consignment shop. Small stuff.

The problem with taking the bigger items to the same shop is the exorbitant rates they charge (they get 60% of the sale price).

There are quite a few things I’ll be listing on eBay, too. But I’m not sure if I want to fool with shipping big items.  I’ll have to test the waters with local pick-up

I still have plenty of stuff to paint. I’ll focus on getting the items I want to keep for myself painted first. Maybe while doing that, I can come up with a better plan for re-homing future items.

Hopefully, whatever new scheme I decide on will work out better than the tag sale…