Around 11:00 AM on Sunday, I left my house, camera in hand, headed over to Sibby’s to take some food pictures for their Web site. I told the owner I’d do it as a favor. I was going to pop in, shoot some food, then come home and be domestic (more to-dos to get done).
When I am out and about with my camera, however, I never know what is going to catch my eye.
I hadn’t even gone 10 feet down the driveway when I noticed the evergreens in our neighbors’ yard covered with masses of water droplets.

Water drops on plants fascinate me. I think they make for some really interesting images. So I snapped a shot or two and off I went.
My timing sucks and I found Sibby’s closed. So I headed back toward home. I popped into the bakery for some goodies, then thought home was my next stop. That’s when I saw the “butterflower” from yesterday’s post. After capturing that, I started looking at and shooting other stuff.
It was probably 45 minutes later that I finally got home. But I’m glad I made that detour. I think I captured some cool stuff. My favorites are posted below. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Remember, if you click on the image, you’ll get a larger view.

Of all these images, I believe the last one, shared below, is my favorite. The color is so rich and deep. The water drops lend that rose a little extra bit of interestingness whereas it’s the water drops themselves that really make some of these shots, like the one immediately above.

I hope you enjoyed the results of my detour, too.
Enjoy your week.
UPDATE: A big THANKS to Trobairitz for setting me straight on the BARBERRY. I knew “bayberry” wasn’t right but could not think of what it was.