…I am happy to say that I’m doing better.
Thanks to my wonderful Hubby, who insisted we get SOME decorations out, the house is looking a bit Christmassy.
The family gifts have been purchased, wrapped, and shipped.
The tree has been decorated…
…as have the dogs.
It’s looking festive around town, too, even if temps have been much warmer than usual.
It’s going to be a quiet Christmas. My mother-in-law is here for the holiday again, but Dad stayed in Pennsylvania this year. Two of our kids are on the West Coast, so we won’t be seeing them, their SOs, or the grandkids. Our youngest will be visiting on Saturday, though, with his wife, so we won’t be completely childless this holiday.
My mother-in-law will be giving me quilting lessons over the next couple of days. Hand-piecing (sewing the little shapes together with a needle and thread, NOT a sewing machine) and hand-quilting (again, no machine).
Quiet holidays are good sometimes. Especially when I’m not altogether there as far as emotional state. But I’m getting better.
You know the old saying, the first step to fixing a problem is admitting there IS a problem. It feels pretty good to have finally gotten the ball rolling.
There’s no cure for depression, only management. The trick is to stay on top of things, which I haven’t done so well here of late.
I’m pretty sure fluctuating hormones are to blame for this recent episode, but since I’m being honest, there are some things/issues that do tend to make it worse. In the past, “getting better” meant me, by myself, wrestling and wrangling the skeletons back into their hidden nook, securing the door with old and apparently fraying bungee cords, and pretending once again that all is well and good. But, guess what? That means one day those little bastards could escape. Again.
Frankly, I’ve had enough. I’m good at pretending, but it can be awfully tiring. Besides, there’s an awfully fine line between pretending and lying. And I hate liars.
So this time, for better or worse, I’m going to do whatever it takes to send those old, bony, moldering suckers on their miserable little way. Once and for all. It should be interesting.
It’s all good, though. Really. That particular mental exercise (or exorcisism!) is LONG overdue.
As for the holidays…
I did not send any Christmas cards this year. Not one. I just didn’t feel like hunting them down. So I’m taking the cheesy way out and wishing you all a Merry Christmas via the blog.
I hope you all know how thankful I am to have each and every one of you as a reader, follower, and/or friend. Thanks for giving me an audience, sharing my little adventures (or non-adventures as the case may be), viewing my pics, leaving comments, etc., and for sharing your world with me. It really is very nice to know there are kindred spirits in the world.
Here’s wishing you a very Merry Christmas (or long weekend if Xmas ain’t your thing) and much peace and prosperity in the coming year.
Big hugs to all of you. Thanks for being there for me.