Christmas Re-cap

So, how was your Christmas? Mine was awesome. I was going to tell you all about my cool gifts, then I saw one of my blogger buddies did sort of a gift inventory post. I decided to do the copycat thing and post pics of my gifts, too. But I have to get to work, so that’ll have to wait. In the meantime, here are some family pics from Christmas day.

Hubby and I drove up to Baltimore for Christmas. We took the girls, too, since we knew we’d be gone for awhile. We dropped them off at his Mom’s house and then went to visit with my parents.

My Mom and Dad

We saw Eric and Kelsey briefly before they had to scurry off to PA to visit with her family. I didn’t get a picture of them, so here’s a shot from about a month ago…

Eric and Kelsey

That’s actually one of their engagement photos. They make a very cute couple. We’re all quite excited for them! (The wedding is scheduled for April 2013.)

After visiting with my parents for awhile, we went and visited with Hubby’s Mom. Since Shannon is in San Diego, we Skyped with her while she opened the gifts we’d mailed to her. I didn’t get a pic of the computer screen (that would be pretty lame anyway), but here’s a pic of Shannon with Hubby from this past September.

Hubby and Shannon

Amy and family met us at Grandma’s house. We were all very happy to see them together. You may or may not remember that last Christmas, TJ was deployed.

Amy's Family

Brianna, who recently turned 11, is getting pretty tall. In fact, she’s almost caught up to Grandma.

Brianna and GG

The boys were looking awfully cute. And they even posed nicely for a picture.

Gaige and Joey

Sort of. Gaige has this thing about making weird faces in pictures. He’ll regret that one day when he’s grown and I show his girlfriends all these goofy-face shots I have.

The Grandkids

That one is better. I cannot believe how fast they are all growing!

Hubby and Me

Here’s one of Hubby and me. He’s looking a bit Oriental. Normally I would’ve selected a different shot — Amy took several — but they were really blurry. She’s not used to my camera.

Pop and Grandkids

Here’s one of Hubby with the grandkids. The boys were watching Pop play with Amy’s Kindle and Brianna was fooling with her iPod. Techno-Christmas!

Finally, here’s a shot of me…

Me in the Scarf Granny Trace Made for Me Last Year

I’m looking a bit shiny. I wanted to get a shot earlier in the day when I could’ve gone outside and captured this without the flash. But I forgot. I still wanted to show off the scarf Granny Trace made for me last year, so you just have to suffer through the shiny pic. Sorry!

I’d love to hear all about your holiday. More pics to come later this week when my parents, brother, sister-in-law, nephew, Eric, and Kelsey come to VA for a visit…


Merry Christmas!

The stockings aren’t hung, but everything else is ready.

This is our first Christmas in Virginia.

We both love our new town, but we’re looking forward to heading north to Maryland tomorrow to visit with our families.

From our house to yours… Hubby and I hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas.

Thanks for following my blog. I appreciate each and every one of you!

Holiday Home Tour

My Mom has been asking me when I was going to post pictures of my new Christmas tree. So, since it was a special request and all, I figured I’d better get to it.

First, let me warn you. It’s not a traditional tree. It’s a primitive-type country tree. Tall, skinny, and sort of twiggy looking. Also, the needles are green and brown instead of just green.

Our Skinny Country Tree

I really like our country tree, which looks much better in person than it does in pictures. For one thing, it doesn’t look seven feet tall, does it? With the star, which I made by the way, it’s probably seven and a half feet tall.

I couldn’t just show you the tree. Especially since it really doesn’t look all that grand in the photo. So I decided to show you a bunch of Christmas decorations. They’re scattered throughout the house, so you’ll get to see some of the house, too. Which is why I’m calling this the holiday home tour.


Living Room

We don’t just have one tree. We have three small trees. The one in the family room, shown in the first picture, is the tallest. The one in the living room is only about five feet tall.

Stair Tree

Our smallest tree sits on the landing of the staircase. That door behind the tree leads to my messy office. (The mess is why the door is closed.)

Family Room Tree (different angle)

There’s the family room tree again. By the way, the armoire is the one I talked about HERE. I bought it right before we moved.

Family Room

There’s the fireplace. It was a working, wood-burning fireplace, but we converted it to gas. That way we don’t have to deal with the mess and inconvenience of wood.

Don’t you just love the white mantle against that brick?


The fabric garland is one of the things I made on my girlfriend getaway at Granny Trace’s house. Along with a whole bunch of gingerbread folks, aka gingers, which you’ll see in a bit.

Meg Posing with Santa

This Santa gourd is one of our new additions this year. I really wanted to sit him on the dining room table, but at the moment it is covered with gifts. Some wrapped and some waiting to be wrapped. Along with boxes, wrapping paper, tissue paper, tape… it’s a mess. But how much do you love that Santa gourd? It, along with the tree and some other things, is from Sherrie’s Stuff, the coolest little craft store ever, which is right here in town. Sherrie painted the Santa herself.

Tres Chic Snowlady

This snow lady is another new addition. I saw her in a store window on Main Street and HAD to have her. I have a thing for snowmen. And snow women, apparently. When’s the last time you saw a snow lady in a fur coat?

Living Room from a Different Angle

Another shot of the living room. See the awesome snowman pillow on the chair? Granny Trace made that for me.


The kitchen is where Wilhelmina usually sits. I just now decided that show be the snow lady’s name. She looks like a Wilhelmina, right?

Kitchen Again

I took that shot a tad later in the day after I realized one of my favorite cards had slid down the string and gotten covered. I added a couple more cards, too. Hubby added the raisins, which he bought to make oatmeal cookies.

Family Room

There’s the family room from another angle. Yes, our walls are still mostly bare. And those horrible bamboo shades haven’t been replaced yet.

I have to pause in the home tour to share this picture of the girls. When I got up from my desk, camera in hand, they thought we were going outside. They weren’t too thrilled that I was walking around inside taking pictures.

Meg, K, and Belle

I was about halfway down the steps, taking pictures of the little tree on the landing, when I turned around and saw them waiting at the bottom for me.


Our trees all have a mix of ornaments. Old and new. Bought and hand-made. This tree has some of Eric’s ornaments, which I’ll have to hand over to him, soon. Since he’ll be getting married. More on that later…

I always try to buy at least one new ornament each year. One of my favorites new things this year are the clip-on cardinals (red birds).


Plus the gingers and garland I made at Granny Trace’s.


I told you there were lots of gingers. I guess I could have spread them out on the three trees, but they all ended up here.


Tracey made the stocking for me this year, too.


Sorry there aren’t any artsy ornament shots here. I was in a hurry. I even used the flash (gasp!).


Here’s a look up the steps from the foyer. See the cute little tree? I love it when it’s dark and all the lights are glowing.

One of My Favorite Santas

I didn’t get out all of the Christmas stuff. In fact, there’s still a bunch missing. Not gone, I don’t think. Still in boxes somewhere.

K Not Looking Very Merry

The dogs were really getting impatient with the picture thing. They followed me everywhere, as usual. I thought K looked pretty funny sitting next to the Santa.


The table that Hubby hates sits in the foyer holding a little wintry farm.

Belle and Her Rat

That just about concludes the holiday house tour. The upstairs isn’t decorated. Other than green garland, red bows, and white lights along the railing.

But there’s one more pic I have to post. Not because it’s particularly festive, but because I have to share a picture of this bench.


I bought it when I was with Granny Trace and Carol earlier this month. I knew it would be perfect for either the foyer or this spot by the back door (in the breakfast room), where we keep our shoes, jackets, and dog-walking equipment. And I was right. It’s the perfect spot to sit and put your shoes on.

And that’s all, folks.

How’d I do with the tour?

Are You a Chicken?

It’s hard to believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving. This whole year has been such a whirlwind!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I typically do the cooking on Thanksgiving, whether it’s for a large family gathering or a smaller group. This year will definitely be a smaller group. Actually, it’ll be the smallest ever. Not because of the move, but because of timing.

Shannon flew in last Friday for my mother-in-law’s birthday weekend. She flies back to California on Thursday afternoon. So we’ll be having a Thanksgiving lunch. The three of us (Shannon, Hubby, and me).

I’m not complaining. It’s been nice having her here. Actually, we had so much fun cooking together last year, I’m looking forward to preparing this meal, however modest, together.

So our first Thanksgiving celebration in the new house will be small. But that doesn’t mean we are any less thankful.

Hubby and I are lucky in so many ways. We’ve got a wonderful family (parents, children [including the in laws], and grandchildren). We’re happy. Healthy. Still employed. We have wonderful friends. Three goofy, but cool dogs. A nice place to live in a lovely little town. The list goes on…

I hope that you are equally as blessed. And that you have a fabulous holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving!




On the Rewind Bandwagon

Happy New Year!

I hope all of you had a safe, warm, and happy New Year’s Eve celebration. And I wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2011.

WAY back on December 10, one of my blog buddies (Fuzzy aka Rachel) posted a very cool slide show featuring her motorcycle memories from the year. That’s what first got me thinking of stuff that had happened to us or that we did during 2010. Coincidentally, Rachel and her boyfriend spent some time in the same region in Europe where Hubby and I went in June. Her slide show includes pictures from that as well as stuff she’s done here in the US. Rachel rides a street bike AND a dirt bike. She’s a Mom, too. You go, Rachel! Thanks for entertaining me throughout the year. And letting me do that virtual ride along through the Dolomites.

So I was already thinking about doing a year in review post when I saw that this week’s You Capture theme/assignment is to pick our 10 favorite pictures of 2010. I told Hubby I needed to get to work on that one immediately. Do you have any idea how hard it is going to be and how long it will probably take to narrow that down?

How many pics do you think the ole ToadMama shot in 2010?

A lot!

Ready for this? I shot 10,350 images since January 2010. And that’s just with the digital SLR. I’m sure there were a couple of hundred other images captured with the point-and-shoot.

This is not one of those images, but I thought it was funny. I found it by accident when searching for the party wallpaper I needed for the first image in this post.

I did start going through images yesterday. But then or server crashed. Hubby told me he could rig something up so I could access the files, but you know what? I just don’t feel like sitting here today, staring at my computer. Maybe I’ll do that some other time.

For now, I’ll tell you about the new tradition I started this morning. I didn’t intend for it to be a tradition, but Hubby declared it to be one. So… drum roll please… the new New Year’s Day tradition in the ToadMama abode is a breakfast of Stuffed Blueberry Pancakes and bacon.

Stuffed Blueberry Pancakes with Bacon

I am a decent cook. No gourmet chef, but I can whip up some pretty good stuff. This wasn’t good. This was one of those “Oh My God” dishes.


Blueberry pancakes with big, fresh blueberries in the mix. The stuffing was a thick pastry cream. Think of the kind of cream that’s in a chocolate eclair or Boston cream pie. Only thicker. And richer. It was all drizzled with real maple syrup. And served with baked bacon that was perfectly cooked.

Really. Oh. My. Gawd!

Hubby and I both want to lose weight this year. So we can’t eat like this all the time. But I’m glad we had this today.

Now hurry up January 1, 2012!

I’ll do a year-in-review post one day. Maybe.

For now I am going to relax and enjoy my day. I hope you do the same.

A Little Bit of This and That

Believe it or not, I do think of y’all often. And I challenge myself constantly to come up with new and interesting stuff that will tickle your fancy.

Shot by Cobalt123:

Coming up with new and original material is not an easy thing. So I try to keep my eyes open for interesting stuff to photograph.

Sometimes I am successful. Sometimes not.

I did not shoot that cool frog photo (at left). I discovered it this morning when I was looking for clip art with a “conglomerate” theme.  It come from Cobalt123’s Flickr page. There are some other cool images there, too. Be sure to check out his stuff if you have time.

The images I have managed to capture are slightly less unusual than the conglomerate rock frog, but equally as cool.

Some of them are, anyway. In my opinion. 🙂

So, without further ado, I present you with my December conglomerate of images. In no particular order.

How to piss off your OCD grandchild.

Joey, our youngest grandchild, is a bit obsessive about organization. He gets it honestly (from his mother). She gets it honestly, too (from Hubby). The organization gene was apparently suppressed in my family’s bloodline.

Just like I’ve always enjoyed toying with his Mom a bit (messing up the alphabetization of canned vegetables in her kitchen cupboard is one example that comes to mind), I like to mess with Joey. He’d pushed all of his refrigerator magnets into one large group at the top, front of the fridge. He had to use a step-stool to reach. I thought it would be fun to see how long it took him to discover the message I left for him.

That evening, I got a call from Amy who immediately said, “Someone wants to talk to you.”

It was Joey. He didn’t say “hi, G” or anything. He launched right into the angry voice (picture a face LIKE THIS ONE) and said, loud and plainly, “Don’t. MOVE. My. Magnets.”

It’s okay though. It took me about three seconds to convince him that I HAD to do it because I wanted to leave him a message so he’d know that I love him and was thinking about him.

Oh, and in case you are wondering, it was less than 3 hours after he got home that he saw my little note.

Spinach Quiche

I’ve explained the dinner rotation thing we do at my house several times before, so I won’t go into it in too much detail. The week before Christmas was Shannon’s turn. It’s nice having someone new in the line-up. Especially since she likes to cook lots of different stuff. It’s like eating at a new restaurant (a good one!) five nights a week.

By now, she knows most of our various likes and dislikes, too. Notice I said “most.” That’s important. Because Shannon actually made me eat quiche, which I’ve always hated. It’s a texture thing. The thought of biting through what to me has always felt like thick, curdled eggs was enough to turn my stomach. The whole way to the table, I kept telling myself, “Don’t vomit. Don’t vomit. Don’t vomit.” Which is why my mind was a bit too preoccupied to think about taking any “before” pictures.

But, because I’m a big girl (as in mostly grown up), I tried a small piece. And guess what? It was actually very good. You may have already figured that one out from the picture above though. Shannon said the secret is the spinach-to-egg ratio. Keeping the amount of spinach high helps with the texture tremendously.

Speaking of being a big girl…

A FOUR pound, six ounce tin of shortbread.

Now, I LOVE good shortbread. But I never buy it because it’s expensive. I could probably splurge and fork over $1 per ounce (about the going rate for these things) every now and then, but it’s the principle of the thing. Essentially that’s about $1 per cookie. So, when I saw this four pound, six ounce tin of Walker’s shortbread cookies at Costco for less than $19, I thought I’d died and gone to Heaven. That’s 73.6 ounces of deliciousness that I just could NOT pass up. Heck, I even went back and bought a couple extra boxes to keep in the pantry. It’s a good thing I saved money on those, ’cause I’m going to need to buy some bigger pants soon.

Big-ass Grasshopper

I can’t remember if I shared this picture before or not. I saw this huge grasshopper on one of the plants in front of our house. Months ago, obviously. But I like it, so am sharing it here, too.

Cadbury Christmas Balls. Yum.

I actually took this picture with the theme of holiday magic in mind. Because after my family quickly devoured one bag of these bad boys from the candy dish, more “magically” appeared. I tried various angles. There’s just something about this next shot that makes me smile…

Snowman guts.

Doesn’t it look like Santa and the one snowman are staring down at the other snowman who appears to have been eviscerated with all of his green, red, and white innards showing?

Maybe it’s just me.

Afternoon "nap."

Hubby took this picture a couple of months ago. K and Belle like to sit on Mama’s lap. It makes it sort of hard to use my laptop computer, but I have to let them bond with me sometimes, right? I wasn’t actually sleeping. How can you be so sure? No one ever takes pictures of me unless I say, “Person, will you take a picture of me?”

My new desk frog.

This frog desk organizer was a Christmas gift from the grand kids.  It’s tacky as all get-out, but right up my alley. He can hold an assortment of binder clips, pens and even a roll of tape. How’s that for handy? It makes for a pretty funny picture, too.

Speaking of funny pictures… there’s this foot-long hot dog place sort of near me that I only drive past occasionally. It sits at an intersection where it never fails that I catch the red light. Every time I sit there, all I can do is stare longingly at the front of the store and its mascot, which is prominently displayed on the curb in front of the place, because I always seem to be by myself. Or with Hubby. And he would just think the whole idea too stupid to bother with.

Last night was different. I needed to exchange some Christmas gifts and Shannon was with me.  I caught the light, as usual, but this time when I looked at Ann’s my mood brightened. Shannon was there and could actually take my picture!

We did the clothing exchange first then on the way out of the mall stopped at Ann’s for this…

ToadMama with the Ann's Dari Creme mascot. Finally!

I love cool (fun!) statues like that. So I can hardly resist getting a picture with as many as I can. I love hot dogs, too, and theirs are awesome. But I wasn’t even slightly hungry at the time.

Yes, I could have just asked someone to take the picture for me, but I was afraid saying “will you take a picture of me with the giant, foot-long hot dog” to a total stranger might launch me into hysterics.

It's not what it is, but what it represents.

This key fob was a Christmas present from Hubby. What it “represents” is his final agreement that yes even though there are cheaper bikes out there, we deserve to get ourselves the ones we REALLY want.

Really, really.

This orange motorcycle has my name all over it.

These were the motorcycles we rode in Europe and LOVED. The mountains of West Virginia ain’t The Alps, but there are plenty of fantastic roads and just as many dirt roads we have previously been a bit hesitant to explore. (You try riding a 900-pound, bulky motorcycle through dirt and gravel once. It’s a bit disconcerting to say the least.)

I don’t know what’s more exciting… knowing I’ll be riding a new motorcycle soon or thinking about all the cool new gear I get to buy to go along with that new bike. There’s a certain image we have to uphold you know.

A new look for ToadMama?

Speaking of new images… the other night while we were at a friend’s house, having a grand old time if I do say so myself, Shannon mentioned the latest fashion trend to us. Jeggings.

Jeggings = stretchy denim leggings

While doing the exchange thing last night, we saw this sign. I just HAD to get a picture to share with y’all.

Meg and Mama

Here’s another shot I HAD to share. It’s not the most flattering self-portrait, but Meg hung out on my lap for the longest time Christmas night and I wanted to take a picture. She’s my crazy, old girl. (The dogs call me “Mama”, not ToadMama. They have a hard time with the tee sound.)

And speaking of Meg, I’ve also been collecting pictures of her in her bed again. I’ve never seen one dog lay in so many different positions! But I’ll save those for another time. This post is already WAY too long.

If you actually made it to the end, be sure to leave a comment to let me know. Please?