So here’s a rather random collection of images I should have posted sooner, but didn’t. Some are goofy, some aren’t.
First is this cool miner dude we spotted on our recent visit to Shenandoah Caverns.
Shenandoah Caverns has lots of fun stuff to see. In my opinion. You might agree if you appreciate kitschy stuff as much as me.
I’m not always on the lookout for weird stuff, believe it or not, it just catches my eye.
I was all excited about seeing this kitschy-ish BBQ place. Then I learned it’s a chain. A small chain, but a chain nonetheless. That sort of diminishes the fun for me. It’s no longer a spontaneous “Hey, let’s park the General Lee” kind of thing, but a “we gotta find another General Lee for the Sperryville location.”
Maybe it’s just me, but standalone or at least unique, Mom and Pop-type businesses with kitschy decor are just cooler. More creative somehow.
I always have my phone along while walking the dogs, you know, just in case I have a heart attack or something, and can’t help snapping pictures when a scene catches my eye, or I see a specific thing that makes me smile.
And here’s me having a bit of fun with my Love.
I really like this next shot, which I captured during an afternoon walk with the girls. On a whim, I used the front-facing camera on my phone and held it upside-down below the flowers to get the sky in the background.
There’s just something fun about M&Ms…
Speaking of having your back, here’s something you don’t see every day…
Look at us all purtied-up.
Tracey’s youngest got married on August 1. Since none of us like getting all fancy, we HAD to have a picture taken.
And since you usually see Hubby and me looking sorta rough like this…
…I couldn’t resist sharing what I think is a super-cute pic.
There you have it.
Perhaps the next post will be more interesting for you. 🙂