It’s a 2015 Honda CTX-700 DCT with ABS. That’s quite a mouthful, isn’t it?
He’s had his eyes on that model for a while now, and was just waiting for the right one to become available locally. It only has a little less than 1,700 miles on it. The previous owner used it for commuting. He’s moving and didn’t want to take the bike along, so now it’s ours.
Now we need to re-home the big-ass Victory that’s carried Hubby all over and around the US as well as into and through southern Canada.
Mike says he is through with long distance motorcycling. By that I mean, things like the Four Corners Tour, last year’s ride to Hyder, Alaska, and riding to Utah just because he’d missed “the middle” of the US when he did the Four Corners. There’ ll probably be more long weekend rides for us in the near future.
But first… we’ve got a trip to Hawaii coming up. We were supposed to go last year to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary, but the timing didn’t work out. If all goes well, we’ll be on a Hawaiian beach in a little over two weeks.
That’s the only state where Hubby has not ridden a motorcycle. Yet. So that will be one of our must-do activities on one of the islands.
Other than getting to and from the islands plus making lodging and car reservations, we have no set plan for our time on the islands. We will do some touristy stuff, but we will will also be relaxing, too.
I’m sure I will have lots of photos to share AND lots of down-time in which to share them.