There’s An Elf (or two) in My House

Someone’s been busy in my kitchen again.

Chocolate-topped Marshmallows

That someone has been making Christmas treats.

Indian Curry Peanut Brittle

Some of them look a bit less appetizing than others.

Chocolate-dipped Pretzel Rods

She was in the kitchen practically all day on Sunday.

Cheesecake-topped Brownies

She actually did some stuff on Thursday, too. I didn’t get a picture of the chocolate curry truffles, so you’ll just have to trust me on those.

Peppermint "Oreos"

The homemade peppermint oreos are my favorite. Now, if only I could convince her to dip THOSE babies in chocolate. YUM.

I’ll have to take her with me to my doctor’s appointment in January. I’ll let her explain why I gained 20 pounds in the last month or two.

To be fair, though, it’s not entirely Shannon’s fault. I still know how to make yummy stuff, too. But all of my yummy concoctions of late have been in the alcoholic beverage category.

Baileys and Hazlenut Coffee

Nice warm coffee on a cold, wintry day.


Who says cold beverages can’t be enjoyed during the winter?

Is it weird that I take pictures of food and drink in my house?

YOU try coming up with new and exciting stuff to blog about.

Most of my housemates are pretty understanding and patient when I say, “Wait. Don’t eat/drink that yet. I need a picture!”

Earlier this evening when I assembled these yummies, the patience was rather nonexistent.

Doggie Yummies

Any idea what those things are? Why they’re peanut-butter-stuffed-Kongs of course. Actually, there’s pretzels, a few bits of dog food, and peanut butter crammed in each one. It keeps the bitches busy for a while.

Remember what I said about the lack of patience?

"Oh come on already! Hand over the Kongs!"

It’s bad enough that they have to wait the five minutes it takes to cram three of those things full of goodies and peanut butter. Making them wait while I photographed their goodies was apparently more than they could take.

I wish I had the video camera handy to record the very strange howling complaints emanating from my crazy. old Meg. She was not at all happy.

What goodies have been coming out of your kitchen?