This particular work project I’ve been doing requires a lot of focus, so the days actually go by pretty quickly. Before I knew it, the dogs were begging me to take them outside and/or feed them dinner. Because it had been relatively warm and sunny, the snow was quite soft. It made walking around collecting poo a bit of a challenge. But it also made for great packing snow.
Unfortunately, there was no one around for me to target with snowballs. So I decided to build a snow dude. I was going to build a standing man, but decided it would require moving too much snow. It was starting to get dark, too. So my snow dude is sitting.

Belle doesn’t like him. She saw me building the thing, but I don’t think she ever really looked at it. Once it did get dark, every time she went outside, she barked at him. If she even looked out the door and saw him, she growled. It will be interesting to see how she reacts to him when it’s daylight.
He’s sort of grumpy looking, but I was afraid if I didn’t give him folded arms, they’d end up falling off (melting) rather quickly. Maybe tomorrow I’ll build him a girlfriend. That should cheer him up, right?

The grandkids are supposed to come over on Saturday. Maybe I should build a whole family of snow people…