Nothing Big

It’s been rather quiet around here lately. Even work has been unusually slow. So yesterday, I actually got to leave the house at lunchtime.

First, I joined Hubby for a trip to the dump.

Yep, I am living large now!

That’s where I saw this…

What a great idea, eh? I’m just not convinced that the landfill is the best place for that thing. Why not the lobby of the post office? It’s open around the clock for folks who need access to their P.O. boxes. It seems to me that more people would be aware of it at the post office. But then, maybe more people frequent the landfill than I realize? Either way, I never knew there was a retirement program for flags.

Once we left the landfill, we drove back to town (about a minute away) and Hubby dropped me off at the library. I had time to peruse the used “sale” books (bought two!) and look through the travel section (borrowed two). From there I headed home.

On the way, I stopped at the Great Harvest Bread bakery.

I think I have mentioned my affinity for Great Harvest’s blondies a time or two before on this blog. I think I have also mentioned that Meg is a chocoholic with a really bad sweet tooth. She’s driven by food in general, but REALLY likes sweets.

Good thing I’m aware of this. No sooner did I set my blondie on my desk than this happened…

"Damn, I wish I had fingers!"

My camera just happened to be sitting within reach atop my desk.

Don’t worry, I know better than to turn my back on Meg in a situation like that. I most certainly would never leave the room.

"Maybe if I stare hard enough..."

She’s relentless.

Can you blame her? Blondies are really quite tasty.

My Blondie

There were no corners available, but I did get a side piece. It’s a bit moister than I usually like. But most people prefer blondies and even brownies to be moist and gooey. To me, they just taste half-raw when served that way. I like dry and chewy. This one was sort of disappointing for me. But I ate it anyway. And, no, Meg did not get a piece.

Even after taking the time to snap those images, I was back at my desk just 45 minutes after we’d left.

And now to completely change the subject…

Did you hear about the Harley Davidson motorcycle that washed up on the shore of a remote island in British Columbia? It was in a shipping container that had been washed to sea during the Japan tsunami. It’s a touching story. The guy who found it and some friends of his went to great lengths to retrieve the bike. And the HD Corporation is paying to have the bike shipped back to Japan where it will be restored and returned to its owner.

You can read about it here. Or watch the video embedded below.

I love it when I see good stories in the news. Yay to the Harley Corp for stepping up to get this guy’s bike back to him. And for agreeing to restore it.

I think that’s pretty awesome. How about you? Oh, and did you know about the flag retirement program?