So Much for Smiling

The other day I wrote about how K had finally started to smile. If you didn’t see that post, go back and check it out. There’s pictorial proof.

Moments after publishing that post, I had to take the dogs down the hill. Seriously, they insist. Belle pokes me repeatedly with her nose. K hits my shoulder with both front feet at once then looks at me all serious and issues one long, plaintive “woof”. Meg circles and whines, looking at me hopefully the whole time. Then she starts growling and barking.

It doesn’t stop until I take them down the hill, which essentially just means to the end of our driveway. Further, if I have time, which that day I didn’t.

Anyway… while I was standing near the end of our driveway, K was exploring in the woods on my right. Soon enough, she found a bone. (Looking back, I’m pretty sure one of the dogs must’ve hidden it there earlier.)

Not long after that, Belle discovered that K had found a bone.

Well, Belle wanted that bone.

Click on the image at left for a larger view to see Belle trying to get K’s bone.

I watched them for a little while, but I had to get back to work. So I headed toward the house.

Not long after that Belle, who must have tired of trying to outmaneuver K, joined me. A couple of minutes later, K followed. She must have hidden her bone for later (she tires of gnawing faster than the other dogs).

Well… the very second Belle saw K boneless, off she ran. Directly to the spot where K had left the bone.

This was the scene shortly thereafter.

The Chase is On

The Chase Continues

K was not happy. Her expression in the next shot totally says, “That bitch stole my bone!”

I. Want. My. Bone!

Belle, at times, can really be a brat. She’s top dog at our house and she flaunts it. She chooses which bed she sleeps in every night. She chooses whether or not a dog can play with a particular toy. She tries stealing everyone else’s chewies. And so on.

The Cute Little Brat

Hubby and I often say, “It’s a good thing she’s so cute.” Really. How can you get really, really mad at a dog with a face like that one? Especially when she looks at you like this?

I Want My Bone

I could have intervened, like I often do at home, but I didn’t want to touch that bone. And watching them was sort of funny.

I Want My Bone. Really.
"Mama, she won't give me my bone."

As a quick aside… isn’t it weird how K looks like a goat in that picture?

For Serious. I Want My Bone Back.
Can I Have My Bone Back Please?

I did sort of feel sorry for K. But I had to get to work. I knew she’d get it back eventually. Besides, there are quite a few bones laying around the yard here.

I don’t even want to picture the carcass that is the source of all these bones…

Still Waiting for My Bone

I looked outside a little while later, and they were still at it. Belle chewing (i.e., gloating) and K stewing.

It all worked out in the end. Later that same day, K was back to romping and smiling.

Are you wondering about Meg? Are you? Feeling sorry for her, thinking she got all left out?


A short time later, she showed up with a new bone of her own.

Nyah, Nyah. I Got My Own Bone.

Let me reiterate… I don’t even want to picture the carcass that is the source of all these bones.

These dogs always keep me entertained (and a little grossed out at times, too).