West Virginia’s Redbud Row

There’s a stretch of US 50 just west of Capon Bridge, West Virginia that’s a must-see for us every Spring. For 1.5 to 2 miles, the road is lined on both sides with Eastern Redbud trees.

There’s a reason for this, but dang if I can find out why (fruitless Internet search this morning).

Both Hubby and I look forward to seeing the Redbuds each year. Like Forsythias, they’re one of the first signs of Spring. And, well, they’re just pretty. Depending on the light, angle and distance from which you are seeing the trees, sometimes the flowers look purple, sometimes pink. They always look pretty though.

Eastern Redbud at the WV Place
Another Shot of the Eastern Rudbud
Eastern Rudbud Looking Purple

Can you tell that I like taking pictures of them?

Along that stretch of US 50, there’s not really a convenient place to stop. So I just shot a video as we drove by the other day.

This is not exactly riveting, but it’ll give you an idea as to just how many Redbuds there are. We’re going at least 55 mph and the video is almost two minutes long. I could figure out the distance based on that information, but it’s way too early in the day for me to be doing math.

I hope you enjoy this look at Redbud Row….