It’s Easter, for one.
Not being a particularly religious person, and having adult children, Easter doesn’t mean much to me.
There’s the grandkids, of course. But their father (my son-in-law) has a pretty big family and they tend to celebrate with large family gatherings. So most of our Easters are spent in West Virginia.
We could do the typical grandparent thing and get them Easter baskets full of candy and cheapo toys. But their parents don’t let them have much candy (which is really a very good thing) and they have lots of toys that more often than not end up being discretely disposed of because they totally clutter up their house.
So Easter is pretty much just another day to us. It would be more exciting if we got Good Friday and/or Easter Monday off of work. But we don’t.
Anyway… after Hubby sent me the bunny pic shown above, I decided to see what other kind of Easter humor was out there.
You did see me say I’m not particularly religious, right? I mention that again because some of these are slightly off-color.
They’re not REALLY bad. But they’re not all sunshine, rainbows and cute little bunnies either.
That’s totally something one of my dogs would do.
That last one is my favorite. Nothing like a slightly humorous joke with a picture of crabby-looking old folks.
Okay, okay, I’ll stop. Those images really aren’t all THAT funny. Besides I’d rather share some pictures I took yesterday that really are signs of Spring.
That’s it for pictures shot yesterday. But it’s not the end.
When I was at my friend Tracey’s house a few weeks ago, I did more than photograph her poultry. I took some pics around her house. One of my favorites is the one I got of her basket full of chicks. She made them. She’s very crafty. In fact, she’s the one who taught me to make hand-tied quilts.

She’s got a great eye for decorating, too. This one picture I took in her kitchen makes the perfect Easter banner with which to end this long and sort of boring post. Sorry.

I hope you have a fabulous Easter!