Blog Title: HouseholdDiva6
Blog Host: Ann Marie Detavernier
As with Jade, the subject of my first “Peeps” profile, it was Ann Marie’s photography that first caught my eye. Honestly, I can’t remember how long I’ve been reading her blog, but I’m pretty sure it’s been a couple of years. It was just a sleepy little blog when I started reading, but it has since evolved into this very cool, multi-faceted hub of information with over a thousand followers.
But wait, I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me tell you a bit about Ann Marie.
I don’t know her age, but I’m guessing late-20s or early 30s. She’s got three kids (two boys and a girl) and is married to a soldier. It’s because she’s married to a soldier that she’s living in Germany. Her blog is all about being a military spouse, but that’s not its sole focus. Yes, she talks about being married to a soldier and enduring LONG deployments (she’s survived many), but she also talks about photography and cooking. She’s managed to build an online and in-the-flesh community/support group of other women in the same boat as she.
The coolest thing she did recently was start an Overseas Coupons and Coffee Program . As her web site explains, after she realized she needed to be wiser with her money (three kids, remember?), she “started reading and learning skills from frugal blogs all over the internet. Weekly meal planning (why it’s good for my marriage); cooking in bulk (with the intent to freeze); writing a grocery list; shopping in my pantry and freezer before going to the store; and , organizing my list according to the Commissary aisles.” It all worked so well, she wanted to share it with others. And she did! Follow this link to learn more: Overseas Coupons and Coffee Program.
She also shares recipes, too. That’s where Shannon got her soft pretzel recipe, the one she uses to make those delectable pretzel dogs. Well, I got it from Ann Marie’s blog and gave it to Shannon.
Her kids are super-cute. She’s got a great sense of humor.
She takes great pictures. Still.You really should visit her Flickr pages and have a gander at her images. Maybe I just really enjoy her site because I’ve been following for a while. It’s been fun seeing her kids grow and sharing other little glimpses of her life.
Even though I don’t share the military spouse thing, I REALLY enjoy her blog. She posts such a wide variety of stuff, but I read it all. Like a very neat post she did the other day on making Daddy Deployment Boxes. Today’s post featured a great shot of her Hubby making breakfast (though I’ve never seen anyone sit down to make pancakes!).
Anyway… if you’ve got some time to spare, hop on over to HouseholdDiva6. Leave a comment so she knows you visited, and be sure to tell her ToadMama sent you.