Comedic Relief

I was going through my documents folder on our home network, deleting all the crap I’ve been storing for the last eight years when I came across this video.

Hubby e-mailed it to me at some point over the last couple of years, so I don’t know who gets credit for it. But it’s funny. I think so anyway. And who can’t use a bit of humor every now and then?

I hope you enjoy your Thursday!

My World, For Better or Worse

Yesterday I took the easy way out. I grabbed someone else’s photo and just admitted that not much had happened to me on Monday.

Well, I later realized that was pretty lame. I mean, stuff happens every day, right? The question is, is the stuff interesting?

You be the judge.

As I sat at my desk, eating but not enjoying my Brown Sugar & Cinnamon Pop Tarts straight from the package, I was feeling a bit, well, confused. I usually love this particular flavor Pop Tart. Hot or cold. But they totally were not hitting the spot.

I pulled the remaining pastry from the package and saw this (photo at left). I think it is Kellogg’s way of sucking people in to buy more pastries. I wonder how well it works. What is “BG” anyway? And really, it looks ugly. And because it looks ugly, it tastes ugly. After I took this lovely photo, I re-wrapped the second Pop Tart. If I get desperate later, I might eat it. Or feed it to the dogs. Or toss it in the trash.

Speaking of the dogs…

I noticed Meg (above) was looking a bit melancholy.

So was C.

I couldn’t figure out why. Not that I wasted a ton of brain energy trying to figure it out. I was working after all. That requires lots of focus.

But I was having a hard time focusing. Maybe it was my lame-ass, half-eaten breakfast?

Perhaps it was the fact that C, who prefers hanging out under my desk while I work, had gas. (I was even feeling a bit dizzy.)

So I decided to take the dogs outside to cheer them up. And hopefully give C the opportunity to air out.

But, it was raining. And we were confronted with this, which I think you might agree is not very cheery.

Doesn’t this shot below make you shiver?

That’s when I realized it was darn cold out there. Wanna know how cold?

Yep, not only was it wet, it was a mere 44.6 degrees Fahrenheit outside. But, what was worse, was the inside temperature. Did you happen to notice that in the handy photo posted above? It was 59.7 degrees Fahrenheit.


Hmmm. I think that means it is time to switch on the heat, don’t you?

Maybe that will cheer ole C up. I’ll let you know later if it worked.

Are You For Real?

If I hadn’t seen this on CNN the other day, I’d swear it was a parody. Listen closely to the “reporter.”

How does he NOT crack up as he’s doing the voice-over? I can just imagine the chuckles in the editing room. This is why I’m not a broadcast journalist.

Poor Charlie…

The Nose Game

I have something new, cool and exciting to post. It’s not really super-new. But it is cool and exciting. I shot the video back in July. And I have been meaning to post it here on my nifty little blog. Seriously. But I forgot.

Don’t hit PLAY yet! Let me tell you about the nose game first. It’s Hubby’s creation.

Every day when Hubby gets home from work, he greets “the girls” (our two Brittanys) then sends them outside to pee. Or poo. That really doesn’t matter. What’s important is that while they’re outside, he puts two big, fragrant treats in a plastic container (with holes punched in the side so the scent can escape) and hides the container somewhere on the main level of our house. Part of the hiding involves him walking through all the rooms, shaking the container to make sure the scent is all over the place. The object of the game is simple. The dogs have to use their nose to sniff out the treats. When they find them, they’re supposed to sit. Whoever finds the container gets their treat first.

You can hit PLAY now…

I hope you enjoyed watching the nose game as much as the girls enjoy playing. And as much as Hubby and I like watching them in action!

I Finally Have the Nerve to Admit…

Hubby left me! Tuesday night. He ran off with two bitches. Not just any bitches, either. Bitches wearing matching maroon bandannas! Thinking they were all cute and stuff.

He’s probably with them this very minute as I sit at home updating my blog. Alone. Even my son abandoned me (had to go to PA for work).

So I wonder what they’re doing right now?

I imagine them having heart-to-heart chats…

And he’s probably giving them ear massages…

Not just quickie ear massages. The full treatment. Where he starts at the temple, then moves back behind the ears…

I wonder if they know he’s got a wife at home? All alone. Lonely without her man.

I’m sure they don’t care. Bitches like that probably don’t even feel guilty.

In fact, they’re probably laughing to themselves, muttering to each other in that crazy, semi-silent, bitch-speak that sounds mostly like whining.

Saying, “Nyah, nyah, we’re here and you’re not!”

I’ll show them. As soon as I finish work for the day, I am leaving. I’m gonna pack my stuff, hit the road, and drop right on in to the middle of the party.

“Enough of this frolicking without me!” I’ll say.

I wonder how the bitches will feel about that?

I’ll let you know when I get back.

Hey There, Pussycat

This past weekend was relatively uneventful. Mike went to WV to retrieve some stuff he inadvertently left behind. I stayed home to do some stuff I never seem to have time to do. Mainly because we spend all of our weekends in WV and I just don’t have much spare time during the week.

Saturday morning, as I was contemplating where to begin (what errand to run first), I noticed Muffin, our youngest cat, curled up on the dog bed. I couldn’t resist taking a few pictures. This is one of them.

She does have pretty, green eyes. But not this green. I was experimenting with PhotoShop and thought the end result (the picture shown here) was sort of cool. So I decided to share it.

By the way, I haven’t walked yet today, but I will. So don’t call me a loser yet.

Have a happy Monday!