Playing Catch-up. Again.

It’s been a month since my last post on this blog. Sorry. I haven’t been completely absent from the blog realm. I was playing host to my pal ScooterBob, who I introduced you to here. If you’d like to see our escapades, check out these posts on Bob’s blog:

So that’s why you haven’t seen much of me here.

ScooterBob left Virginia last week and is now in New Hampshire. You should be seeing more of me here. I have lots of pics from our latest trip to the Pacific NW and many images from my travels with ScooterBob that I saved for you all.

Here are just a few teaser pics of things to come.

I visited Victoria, British Columbia, Canada while out west. There’s an absolutely gorgeous city park — Beacon Hill Park — where I captured lots of pretty flower pics.

Pretty Flowers at Beacon Hill Park
Pretty Flowers at Beacon Hill Park


More pretty flowers at the park.
More pretty flowers at the park.


I have quite a few other pics to share, too. Many are in the category of “weird images I capture just because.”

Weird or cool?
Weird or cool?

I’m a sucker for fun reflections. I can’t help it.

There are quite a few Virginia pics, too, like this one.

Finally captured a pic of this cool old stone silo.


That’s it for the preview. It’s Memorial Day. I don’t have to work. The sky is clear, for now, so I need to get out there and experience the world instead of sitting indoors, staring at my computer, writing about it.

Ta ta for now (TTFN)!