Bittersweet Day

The last two weeks have been quite a blur.

Alice the foster puppy was here. She is a sweet little thing, but a LOT of work. It really was like having a baby around.

Me and Alice

In addition to having baby Alice here, Hubby and I have tried to ramp-up the house sprucing-up activities. Painting, getting rid of excess stuff, painting, planting flowers, painting… get the picture?

Then there was Shannon leaving…

We’ve known for months that she’d be leaving for California today. To live, not to visit. She’s been living with us since August 2010 when she returned from her round-the-world trip.

Neither of us wanted her to leave. Of course, we didn’t tell her that. She’s been wanting to move to the West coast for some time. So this is a new beginning for her. But it’s a very sad ending for us. It’s been lots of fun having Shannon around. Hubby and I are going to miss her something awful. I foresee lots of flights to California for us.

Shannon's Last Night: Hubby, Me, Amy, and Shannon

This morning, Shannon and Amy, with Hubby’s help, crammed their luggage and a few belongings into Shannon’s tiny little Smart car and away they went. They took Alice with them. Why Alice?

Alice is going to her forever home in St. Louis, Missouri. When I first heard of a potential adopter there, the thought did cross my mind that  getting a puppy that far would be a challenge. But this adopter is perfect for Alice. It’s definitely the right fit. But how to get a puppy 800+ miles?

That’s when the lightbulb went off…

Shannon and Amy planned their route months ago. And guess what was always planned to be the first stop? St. Louis, Missouri. It’s almost as if Alice ending up here was completely meant to be.


Alice Transport

So Alice got loaded into the Smart car, too.

And off they went.

Yes, I’ll miss the puppy. But I can’t even begin to put into words how much we’ll miss Shannon.

I don’t think our lives will ever be the same.