Remember, I did zero research in advance. We were winging it, and only even went to Gruyeres in the first place because Tammi said it might be fun.
Actually, I only agreed to go in with Hubby because I knew he wouldn’t go in alone, while we all waited for him outside. AND I know how much he loves old stuff. Our traveling companions know that, too, which is why they didn’t mind waiting for us. Or so they said…
Anyway… I’m so glad we went inside. It was amazing.
Here are a few of my favorite captures from the chateau.
You can’t really tell the immense size of that fireplace just by looking at the picture. You’ll have to trust me. We walked THROUGH the fireplace to get into that room, and I didn’t even have to duck. I’m a tall girl, too. Look closely and you’ll see the doorway inside the fireplace on the far right, which led to the kitchen.
I love stained glass anyway. This hexagon-leaded windows and small designs appeal to the minimalist in me.
The next images are from what I think was called the Knight’s Room. It was my favorite. Look at those rich colors!
The views were stunning. Picture-perfect weather helped, of course.
I wish we could have lingered longer.
If you’d like to see all of my Gruyere pics, you’ll have to visit my Gruyeres Flickr album.
Next up… saying farewell to our Swiss friends.