Until this afternoon, I was at our MD house. Tonight, I am elsewhere.

I know it seems like I just got home. In fact, I didn’t do any posts on Friday or even over the weekend, which was spent at the Maryland house, too.

Seriously, I feel like I lost time somewhere or something.
I really don’t know how people who travel for a living do it.

I am in New Jersey yet again. I arrived on Tuesday evening and am staying through Friday. More training for me. Sigh. It’s hard being the new chick.
On another note…
Hubby, Shannon and I all went trick-or-treating with Amy and the grand kids this year.
I really should have gotten a group shot of all of us. Not because the adults were in costume or anything. Just because.

We all had a great time. Even Hubby, who has always say he hates Halloween, but who had a fabulous time scaring people with Joey’s Rex (the dinosaur from Toy Story) flashlight. When you hit the trigger on the light, not only does a light come on, you also here Rex yelling/screaming. Periodically Rex also says, “Were you scared?”

One of the funnier moment actually happened before we left the house. Gaige and Joey, who were both superheroes of a sort, were attacking Pop. Someone said something about Brianna joining in and one of the boys said, “She can’t fight Pop. She’s food.”
He had a point.

This was the first year none of the kids asked to be carried. It’s amazing to see how fast they are growing.
I hope you all had a Happy Halloween!