This time when I drove past, I stopped and snapped a picture…

And you know what? I was right. This place does dwarf the Bass Pro Shop at Arundel Mills. This Cabela’s store is 250,000 square feet. The Bass Pro Shop at Arundel Mills “only” has 130,000 square feet. So this place in PA is almost twice the size of the Bass Pro store. If you’ve ever been in that store at Arundel Mills, you’ll appreciate the magnitude of it all.
I snapped a few other pics during my drive, too. Most were taken while I was driving, so they’re not very good. But here are a couple of shots that should give you an idea how hilly it is around here. “Here” is still New Jersey, but not for much longer!

Since I was checking out this small pack of motorcyclists, I decided to snap a picture. There were two V-Stroms, a Triumph Tiger and some sort of sport bike. The bike models are significant because they are in the same class at the BMW I’d like to buy. 🙂

Hubby and I will definitely have to have a NJ bike weekend next year. NJ and PA, that is. I want to go to the Delaware Water Gap.
Speaking of Delaware…

…I snapped this picture through a very dirty window as I crossed the Delaware River on I-78.
That’s all I’ve got for today, folks. My next post will come from Maryland. Woo hoo!