You’ll have to click here to see the picture. I’m unable to upload pics right to the blog for some weird reason.
At 9:30 AM, when we left Pipestem, West Virginia, it was 43 degrees and cloudy. It wasn’t raining, but since the ground was still wet, Hubby recommended that we don the rain gear.
I’m glad I have such a smart Hubby. Because it wasn’t long at all before we were getting rained on. The rain didn’t last long, but the roads were pretty much wet all day. It was cold, too.
I have pictures to share, but I can’t upload them for some reason. I decided to do a post anyway so y’all know we’ve arrived.
We’re in Middlesboro, Kentucky, which is just outside of the Cumberland Gap National Park.
Tomorrow we’re going someplace very cool, but very rustic. They do not have Internet access. In fact, I don’t even think they have TV.
So you won’t hear from us again until Thursday when we’re at Natural Bridge State Park.
A few shots from the day…
Hubby trying to warm his hands.
This is pretty much how the sky looked all day.
Here’s a look at a graph showing our elevations for the day. There were A LOT of peaks and valleys. The day was wet and cold, but still very interesting.