At the time of this writing, she’s been gone for 294 days. That’s 9 months, 21 days excluding the end date. If you prefer to think of it in terms of weeks, think 42. Forty-two weeks!
Wanna read about her journey? Check out her blog. Or, if you’re a more visual person like yours truly and would rather just SEE where she’s been, check out my snazzy Google tracker map.
Hubby and I have been 100% supportive of her journey since the minute she came to us with her “what do you think of this” speech. She thought for sure at least one of us would’ve given her a reality check. She was wrong.
One of the reasons she was able to just up and go is that she doesn’t own a house. Her timing was quite fortuitous, too. She left right after the lease on her apartment expired. She just changed her mailing address to our place so we could keep an eye on her mail and help take care of things that might need taken care of while she was away.
She’s gotten all sorts of mail over the past 42 weeks. Hubby and I look it over when it arrives to decide if it’s something she needs to know about now, something we should save for later or something we should trash immediately.
Yesterday a piece of mail arrived that Hubby decided she definitely does NOT need to see.
When he showed it to me, I quickly agreed.
What do you think?